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Registration to evening class

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Evening course registration


Registration for support courses

  • if you are student/researcher from the University of Orleans, none requirement
  • if you are not register at the University of Orlean, you should hold a diploma equivalent to the French "Baccalaureat"/secondary school disploma

For any information about support courses : 


1st semester 2024/2025 calendar

Only students/researchers who have completed an application form and have paid the fees could take the placement test.

  • Registration and payment before Monday, 16th September 2024
  • Placement test : convocation after registration
  • Classes begin : Monday, 23rd September 2024 to Friday, 6th December 2024
  • Schedule : after placement test


1st semester 2024/2025 registration

See the registration forms  at the bottom of the page.

Cancellation and refund conditions :

  • In case of cancellation before the start of the course, you can be fully refunded the registration fee.
  • In case of cancellation after the start of the course, no refund will be made.
  • By enrolling in the evening classes, the student commits to be assiduous. In case of absence, no refund will be made.



Anne-Claire MAUNY : or