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Definition, Types, Attribution

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Definition of a Gap Year



A gap year is an optional period stretching over at most one university year during which the student, registered in a higher education training course, suspends it temporarily in order to earn a personal experience, whether autonomously, or within a host organisation or a higher education institution in France or abroad. 


The minimal duration of a gap year is of one university semester, that is to say an indivisible period of 6 months which must begin at the same time than a university semester. A gap year can last maximum 1 university year. Students can take several gap years during their studies subject to the provisions of the institution.


The Types of Gap Years


Training in a field other than education

Internship lasting 1 university semester

Employment on a fixed-term contract


Volunteer involvement

European Voluntary Service

Civic Service


Voluntary or solidarity work

Carrying out an entrepreneurial project under student status

Volunteering in an administration or company


For Whom?


All students in full-time education, who studied at least one semester at the University of Orléans during the year before their gap year request.

Exceptions: Students in 1st year of BUT or professional degree, students registered in a University Diploma (DU), international students welcomed in the framework of a university exchange, students selected for an international mobility exchange, students in apprenticeship. 


You will find more useful information on gap years at the university below:

Contact us to discuss your project: