Fils d'Ariane

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Studying Science and Technology across the Region

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Our academic division est deeply rooted within its local territory.

The ST Faculty is present on 2 different sites in the Centre Val de Loire region:


Groupe diplômes

Orléans: The main site of the ST Faculty, located on the Orléans La Source campus, provides students in sciences and techniques with all the training offer available for them. 

Groupe étudiants CREPS Bourges

Bourges: The ST Faculty has recently developped an antenna in Bourges  thanks to the opening of the 1st year of bachelor's degree in Sports (STAPS) in the CREPS Centre Val de Loire premises, within the framework of a partnership promoting high-level sports training and sports studies. This programme completes the already existing offer with the Master's degree in Applied Physics and Physics Engineering provided at the Bourges IUT, another academic division of the University.