Fils d'Ariane

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Preparing Your Departure

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Contenu de la page principale

On this page, you will find all the information required to prepare you departure peacefully!

Find all our partnerships (Erasmus+ and outside Erasmus+) by clicking here: interactive map of the UO’s agreements


Calendar of Procedures

To make sure you don't forget anything, this section will go over all the steps to be taken to ensure that your stay takes place in the best conditions.



  • Information meeting in each college/school/institute – see dates with the International Relations Office (BRI) and on the dynamic screens.
  • Opening of online applications for the various programmes (outside Europe, Erasmus+…)
  • TOEFL registrations for students applying for an exchange in the US or in Australia


  • Online submissions of application files for departures outside Europe
  • Participation to TOEFL preparatory courses
  • Notification to selection interviews for departures outside Europe



  • Selection interviews with a jury for departures outside Europe
  • Return of Erasmus+ application files
  • Sending of application files to the host universities outside Europe
  • Renewal of ID or passport if needed


  • Opinion of the foreign universities – acceptance or refusal of the application
  • Procedures for visas
  • Preparation meetings for selected students
  • Completion of application files for financial support
  • Sending of application files for host universities in Europe


  • Validation of the current university year
  • Administrative re-registration to the University of Orléans


You are going abroad? Think about Ariane!

Why should you register your trip on Ariane?

During your journey, if the country’s situation justifies it:

  • You will receive information and security instructions via email or SMS
  • The designated contact person in your account will be informed if need be.