
Here, we define some variables that will be used when writing roles predicates. For example variable CATS_NP denotes the encoding of the set of categories [n pro], and CAT_DET denotes the integer encoding category det.

<Gamma variables>=
CATS_NP    = {Category encode([n pro] $)}
CATS_V     = {Category encode([vfin vinf vpast] $)}
CAT_DET    = Category.toint.det
CAT_PART   = Category.toint.part
CAT_VPREF  = Category.toint.vpref
CAT_VFIN   = Category.toint.vfin
CAT_VINF   = Category.toint.vinf
CAT_VPAST  = Category.toint.vpast
CAT_N      = Category.toint.n
CAT_ADJ    = Category.toint.adj
CAT_ADV    = Category.toint.adv
CAT_PREP   = Category.toint.prep
AGRS_NOM    = {Agreement encode([nom]  $)}
AGRS_ACC    = {Agreement encode([acc]  $)}
AGRS_DAT    = {Agreement encode([dat]  $)}
MARK_ZU    = Marks.toint.zu
MARK_VPREF = Marks.toint.vpref

Denys Duchier
Version 1.3.99 (20050412)