2.2.1 Installation

Mozart is available for both Unix- and Windows-based systems. If you use Windows, you need Windows 95 or NT, if you prefer Unix, you can choose between binary tarballs, source tarballs and RPM packages for Linux. To install Mozart, you have to download the newest version from the Mozart Homepage.

The Oz Programming Environment is based on the Emacs editor. So make sure you have GNU Emacs version 19.28 or better before installing Mozart! If you aren't using Emacs yet, you can download it for free for both Unix- and Windows-based systems from GNU Emacs.

For a detailed description of the installation process refer to the installation manual. This manual also tells you how to make your browser `Mozart application enabled'.

Common Problems

As Mozart is constantly being improved, maybe you will encounter some problems during the installation. If there is a problem you cannot solve, don't hesitate to contact the Oz-Support-Newsgroup ps.oz.support located at news.ps.uni-sb.de.

If you encounter problems not mentioned above, please contact the newsgroup to get help. This also enables the developers to improve Mozart!

Denys Duchier, Claire Gardent and Joachim Niehren
Version 1.3.99 (20050412)