8.6.3 Package Download

Having created a package, we can make it available to others by putting it on the web. Let me illustrate this by copying the package to my web area on my computer:

cp denys-greet.pkg ~/public_html/denys-greet.pkg

Now, others can download and install this package. In fact, ozmake also simplifies such a task because it allows the user to supply a URL as the package argument to be installed:

% ozmake --upgrade --package http://fox.ps.uni-sb.de/~denys/denys-greet.pkg
mkdir /tmp/file7C8Bs2
downloading package http://fox.ps.uni-sb.de/~denys/denys-greet.pkg
writing /tmp/file7C8Bs2/Greet.oz
ozc -c /tmp/file7C8Bs2/Greet.oz -o /tmp/file7C8Bs2/Greet.ozf
cp /tmp/file7C8Bs2/Greet.ozf /home/denys/.oz/cache/x-ozlib/oz-kurs/examples/Greet.ozf
rm -R /tmp/file7C8Bs2

Denys Duchier, Claire Gardent and Joachim Niehren
Version 1.3.99 (20050412)