15.1.2 Constraint Store and Propagators

Most combinatoric problems can be modelled naturally by using some kind of logic formulas. We call logic formulas constraints. Two forms of constraints can be be distguished: basic constraints are so simple that they can be solved deterministically, whereas complex constraints cannot. Typical examples for basic constraints are symbolic equations as used in first-order unification. A good examples for complex constraints are arithmetic equations.

In what concernes concurrent constraint programming, basic constraints are accumulated incrementally in a constraint store whereas complex constraints are turned into propagators. Propagators are agents that observe the constraint store. A propagator infers consequences of the constraints in the store and the formula by which it is defined. Such consequence are new constraints which can be either basic or complex again.

Denys Duchier, Claire Gardent and Joachim Niehren
Version 1.3.99 (20050412)