16.1.1 Compositionality

Based on the principle of compositionality, it is easy to write a grammar which builds the syntax and the semantics of a phrase in parallel: it suffices to pair with each syntactic a semantic rule specifying how to build up the meaning of the constituent from the meaning of its parts. Computationally, Unification-Based grammars provide an easy way to integrate syntax and semantics. The feature structures representing the categories of linguistic constituent simply contain both a syntax and a semantics attribute the value of which reflect the syntactic and semantic information associated by the grammar with that constituent.

Traditionally, the semantic representation of a phrase is a lambda-term whose model theoretic interpretation models the meaning of that phrase. This is the view that was developed by Montague. However more recently, there has been a worry that such a framework is computationally intractable (and cognitively implausible) in that it enumerates all the possible readings of a constituent. Since ambiguity is a pervasive feature of natural language, this directly leads to a combinatorial explosion: a sentence with n scope bearing elements will have n! readings. The idea to delay the enumeration of reading has lead to the area of semantic underspecification.

Denys Duchier, Claire Gardent and Joachim Niehren
Version 1.3.99 (20050412)