16.1.3 Formulas as Trees

Thinking of the FOL formula as a tree, we can use dominance constraints to underspecify the structural relations holding between these three components and thereby get one compact representation for the two readings. To do this, we use a meta-language which is underspecified with respect to dominance and therefore can describe several lambda terms. The intuition is this. Suppose we represent the meaning of the above sentence by the following two trees:

            apply                         apply
            '   `                         '   `
           '     `
                       '     `
         apply   lambda(2)            apply   lambda(1)
  `        !                 '  `        !              
       '    `       !                '    `       !              
      a     guru   apply           every  yogi  apply            
                   '  `
                          '  `            
    `                        '    `           
               apply   lambda(1)            apply   lambda(2)         
               '  `       !                 '  `       !
              '    `
      !                '    `      !  
            every yogi  apply              a    guru  apply
   `                         '   ` 
                       '     `                       '     `
                     apply   var(1)               apply   var(1)
                    '   `
                          '  `
     `                        '    ` 
                  has    var(2)                 has   var(2)

The indices (1) and (2) on the lambda and var nodes represent binding links between quantifier variables (lambda nodes) and predicate variables (var nodes). For instance, the (2) co-indexing indicates that the quantifier variable x in \lambda P (\exists x (guru(x) 
\wedge P(x)) binds the lambda variable z in the predicate \lambda z.\lambda u.has(z,u).

Denys Duchier, Claire Gardent and Joachim Niehren
Version 1.3.99 (20050412)