17.4 Is a Chart still Appropriate?

Free word order may render parsing more complex: Combining adjacent constituents according to some grammar rules is no longer sufficient. Instead, also non-adjacent constituents have to be considered for combination.

One way out of the problem might be to use a chart which is generalized in that edges between non-adjacent constituents are allowed. Parsing then amounts to generating all pairs of constituents dynamically and testing whether they can be combined according to some grammar rule.

Its seems however, that this idea is infeasible since words could be freely combined in arbitrary order. Given a sentence with n words, there might be fac(n) orderings in which to combine its words. Hence, a generalized chart seems not fully appropriate for parsing a free word order language.

In fact, we will not use any chart. It will be replaced by new forms of constraints.

Denys Duchier, Claire Gardent and Joachim Niehren
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