6.2.1 Membership

Every automaton (A,Q,D,I,F) accepts a subset of words over A, i.e. a set of lists with elements in A. A word [l1 ... lp] \in A^* belongs to that language if the word [l1 ... lp] can reach a final state when starting from a initial state.

in reach([l1 ... lp])    q in F
  [l1 ... lp] in Language

The empty word word can reach the initial state.

in I
  q in reach(nil)

If a word [l1 ... lp] can reach state q1 and there is a transition (q1,l,q2) \in D then [l1 ... lp l] can reach q2

(q1,l,q2) in D    q1 in reach([l1 ... lp])      
  q2 in reach([l1 ... lp l])

We can easily represent a finite automaton as a record. It is also not difficult to test for membership:

declare Automaton = unit(trans:unit(p:unit(1:[q] 2:nil)
                                    q:unit(1:[p] 2:[q r])
                                    r:unit(1:nil 2:nil))
fun{Reach Word} %% returns a set of states
   Result = {NewSet}
   if Word == nil
         State in Automaton.init
         {Result.add State}
      Prefix#LastLetter = {Split Word}
         State1 in {{Reach Prefix}.content}
            State in Automaton.trans.State1.LastLetter
            {Result.add State}
fun{Accept Word}
   {Not {IsEmpty {Intersect {Reach Word} Automaton.fin}}}

Denys Duchier, Claire Gardent and Joachim Niehren
Version 1.3.99 (20050412)