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Conférencière invitée Laurence NIGAY

Engineering Human-Computer Interaction Research Group (EHCI Grenoble Informatics Laboratory (LIG)

Médaille de bronze du CNRS et médaille d'Or de l'université Joseph Fourier

Human-Computer Interaction: Interaction modality and multimodality
"My  research focuses on the engineering of Human-Computer Interaction (HCI). My interests include ergonomic as well as software design (software architecture and software tools) aspects of HCI. My primary motivation is to design new interaction techniques such as innovative menu techniques and to develop ways for making interaction techniques more usable.
In the seminar, after presenting the domain, I will present a design space for multimodality. The considerations involved in this design space are not only based on current technological capabilities but also on the psychological consequences of the design features on users. I will illustrate the design space with several interaction techniques and projects. With the results of this work in hand (modality definition and design space), I then given time examine one research avenue: I concentrate on new interaction modalities based on the augmented reality paradigm.

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