Lifo - Laboratoire d'Informatique Fondamentale d'orléans INSA Centre Val de Loire Université d'Orléans Université d'Orléans

Lifo > Publications de l'année 1999

 English Version


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Accès aux publications de l'année : 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024

Revues internationales à comité de lecture (10)

Editors: S. Anantharaman et F. Benhamou, Formalismes Logiques, Contraintes et Applications: Proceedings Journ\ées Francophones de Programmation Logique et par Contraintes et International Workshop on Unification, Technique et Science Informatique (Numéro thématique - JFPLC-UNIF'97), Hermes, Vol.18, No.2, pp.135-261, F\évrier, 1999 Bibtex entry
V. Gouranton et D. Le M\étayer, Dynamic slicing: a generic analysis based on a natural semantics format, Journal of Logic and Computation, Vol.9, No.6, pp.835-871, December, 1999 Bibtex entry
I. Rusu, Perfectly Contractile Diamond-Free Graphs, Journal of Graph Theory, Vol.32, No.4, pp.359-389, December, 1999 Bibtex entry
F. Roussel et I. Rusu, A Linear Algorithm to Color i-Triangulated Graphs, Information Processing Letters, Vol.70, No.2, pp.57-62, 1999 Bibtex entry
F. Roussel et I. Rusu, Holes and Dominoes in Meyniel Graphs, International Journal of Foundations of Computer Science, Vol.10, No.2, pp.127-146, 1999 Bibtex entry
I. Rusu, Berge Graphs with Chordless Cycles of Bounded Length, Journal of Graph Theory, Vol.32, No.1, pp.73-79, September, 1999 Bibtex entry
I. Rusu, $P_4$-domination in minimal imperfect graphs, Discrete Applied Mathematics, Vol.94, pp.329-336, 1999 Bibtex entry
F. Roussel, I. Rusu et H. Thuillier, On graphs with limited number of P4-partners, International Journal of Foundations of Computer Science, Vol.10, No.1, pp.103-119, 1999 Bibtex entry
F. Goualard, F. Benhamou et L. Granvilliers, An Extension of the WAM for Hybrid Interval Solvers , Journal of Functional and Logic Programming, The MIT Press, V. Santos Costa, E. Pontelly et G. Gupta ed., 1999, Note: Special issue on Parallelism and Implementation Technology for Constraint Logic Programming Bibtex entry
M. Bamha et G. Hains, Frequency-adaptive join for Shared Nothing machines, Parallel and Distributed Computing Practices, Nova Science Publishers, Vol.2, No.3, pp.333-345, September, 1999, Note: Actually appeared in 2001. Also appears in F. Columbus ed. Progress in Computer Research, Vol. II, Nova Science Publishers Bibtex entry

Revues nationales à comité de lecture

L. Granvilliers, R\ésolution approch\ée de contraintes r\éelles par transformations symboliques et consistance de bloc, Technique et Science Informatiques, Hermès, Vol.18, No.2, S. Anantharaman et F. Benhamou ed., pp.209-232, F\évrier, 1999, Note: Num\éro sp\écial: Formalismes Logiques, Contraintes et Applications Bibtex entry
A. Lallouet, DP-Log : un langage de programmation logique data-parallèle, Technique et Science Informatiques, Hermès, Vol.18, No.2, S. Anantharaman et F. Benhamou ed., pp.209-232, F\évrier, 1999, Note: Num\éro sp\écial: Formalismes Logiques, Contraintes et Applications Bibtex entry

Conférences internationales avec actes et comité de lecture (13)

V. Bouchitt\é et I. Todinca, Treewidth and Minimum Fill-In of Weakly Triangulated Graphs, in Proceedings 16th Annual Symposium on Theoretical Aspects of Computer Science (STACS'99), Vol.1563, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pp.197-206, Springer-Verlag, 1999 Bibtex entry
T. Turmeaux et C. Vrain, Learning in Constraint Databases, in Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Discovery Science (DS-99), Setsuo Arikawa et Koichi Furukawa ed., Vol.1721, LNAI, pp.196-207, Berlin, Springer, dec6-8, 1999 Bibtex entry
G. Dias, Multiword Lexical Unit Extraction, in International Symposium on Machine Translation and Computer Language Information Processing (ISMT-CLIP), Beijing, China, June, 1999 Bibtex entry
P. R\éty, Regular Sets of Descendants for Constructor-based Rewrite Systems, in Proceedings of the 6th international conference on Logic for Programming and Automated Reasoning (LPAR), No.1705, Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence (LNAI), Tbilisi, Republic of Georgia, Springer Verlag, 1999 Bibtex entry
M. Bamha, F. Bentayeb et G. Hains, An efficient scalable parallel view maintenance algorithm for shared nothing multi-processor machines, in 10th International Conference on Database and Expert Systems Applications, DEXA'99, Trevor Bench-Capon, Giovanni Soda et A Min Tjoa ed., No.1677, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pp.616-625, Florence, Italy, Springer-Verlag, August 30 - September 3, 1999 Bibtex entry
J.C. Bassano, I. Debourges, G. Desrocques, J.N\égrier et S. Guillor\é, Un agent de Recherche Intelligent pour la Consultation d'Informations et la Veille Technologique, in Information Technology, Proceedings of the fourth international symposium on Economic Informatics, Bucharest, Romania, May, 1999 Bibtex entry
G. Dias, S. Guillor\é et J. G. Pereira Lopes, Mutual Expectation: A Measure for Multiword Lexical Unit Extraction, in Conference Venezia per il Trattamento Automatico delle lingue (VEXTAL), pp.133-138, Venezia, Italy, Unipress, November, 1999, Note: Poster Session Bibtex entry
I. Debourges, G. Hains, S. Guillor\é et E. de la Clergerie, Vers un analyseur syntaxique parallèle, in Information Technology, Proceedings of the fourth international symposium on Economic Informatics, Bucharest, Romania, May, 1999 Bibtex entry
G. Dias, S. Guillor\é et J.G. Pereira Lopes, Language independant Automatic Acquisition of Rigid Multiword Units from Unrestricted Text Corpora, in TALN, Cargèse (Corsica) France, July, 1999, Note: Poster session Bibtex entry
A. Braud et C. Vrain, A Parallel Genetic Algorithm based on the BSP Model, in Proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference Workshop Program, Annie S. Wu ed., pp.160-162, Orlando (Florida), USA, July, 1999, Note: GECCO-99 A joint meeting of the eighth international conference on genetic algorithms (ICGA-99) and the fourth annual genetic programming conference (GP-99) Bibtex entry
L. Martin, F. Moal et C. Vrain, Declarative expression of biases in Genetic Programming, in GECCO-99: Proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference, W. Banzhaf, J. Daida, A. E. Eiben, M. H. Garzon, V. Honavar, M. Jakiela et R. E. Smith ed., Orlando (Florida), USA, Morgan Kaufmann, 13-17 July, 1999 Bibtex entry
Emmanuel Melin, Bruno Raffin, Xavier Rebeuf et Bernard Virot, A Cost Model for Asynchronous and Structured Message Passing, in EuroPar'99 Parallel Processing, P. Amestoy, P. Berger, M. Dayd\é, I. Duff, V. Frayss\é, L. Giraud et D. Ruiz ed., Vol.1685, LNCS, pp.552-556, Springer Verlag, 1999 Bibtex entry
S. Limet et P. Rety, A New Result about the Decidability of the Existential One-step Rewriting Theory, in Proceedings of 10th Conference on Rewriting Techniques and Applications, Trento (Italy), LNCS, Springer Verlag, 1999 Bibtex entry

Workshops internationaux avec actes et comité de lecture

G. Dias, S. Guillor\é et J. G. Pereira Lopes, Multilingual Aspects of Multiword Lexical Units, in Workshop on Language Technologies in the Framework of the 32rd Annual Meeting of the Societas Linguistica Europaea, Ljubljana, Slovenia, July, 1999 Bibtex entry

Conférences/workshops nationaux avec actes (7)

M. Bigonha, A. Ed-Dbali, R. Bogonha, F. Pilegrinelli and P. Deransart et J. de Siqueira, Projection of HyperPro document, in SBLP'99: III Brazilian Programming Language Symposium, Porto Alegre, Brazil, May, 1999 Bibtex entry
S. Ramangalahy, P. Le Gall et T. Jeron, Une application de la Th\éorie des Jeux au Test de Conformit\é, in Proc. of the Conference CFIP'99, Nancy (France), ed. Hermès, April, 1999 Bibtex entry
G. Dias, S. Guillor\é et J. G. Pereira Lopes, Mutual Expectation and LocalMax Algorithm for Multiword Lexical Unit Extraction, in Ninth Portuguese Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Evora, Portugal, September, 1999 Bibtex entry
A. Braud et C. Vrain, Parall\élisation d'Algorithmes G\én\étiques fond\ée sur le modèle BSP, in Actes de la Première Conf\érence d'Apprentissage (CAP'99), Michèle Sebag ed., juin, 1999 Bibtex entry
L. Granvilliers, Strat\égies de r\ésolution de CSP num\ériques, in Actes des Journ\ées Francophones de Programmation Logique et Programmation par Contraintes, Lyon, Hermès, 1999 Bibtex entry
A. Lallouet et G. Hains, Programmation par Contraintes Parallèle: l'Approche CLP($X^\Box$), in Journ\ées Francophones de Programmation Logique et par Contraintes, Lyon, AFPLC, Hermès, Juin, 1999 Bibtex entry
F. Loulergue, Extension du BS$\lambda$-calcul, in JFLA'99 : Journ\ées Francophones des Langages Applicatifs, P. Weiss ed., Morzine-Avoriaz, France, F\évrier, 1999 Bibtex entry

Divers (5)

J. Ferreira da Silva, G. Dias, S. Guillor\é et J. G. Pereira Lopes, Using LocalMax Algorithm for the Extraction of Contiguous and Non-contiguous Multiword Lexical Units, in Proceedings of 9th Portuguese Conference on Artificial Intelligence, EPIA'99, P. Barahona et J. Alferes ed., No.1695, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer, September, 1999 Bibtex entry
M. Dupr\é, Optimisation des synchronisations par r\éordonnancement des blocs de base data-parallèles pour des multiprocesseurs MIMD, Rapport de Recherche, No.99-08, LIFO, Universit\é d'Orl\éans, 1999 Bibtex entry
I. Debourges, Algorithmes parallèles pour DyALog, Rapport de recherche, No.99-04, LIFO, Universit\é d'Orl\éans, 1999 Bibtex entry
M. Bamha, F. Bentayeb et G. Hains, Un algorithme incr\émental pour la maintenance des vues mat\érialis\ées, Rapport de Recherche, No.99-3, Universit\é d'Orl\éans, LIFO, Orl\éans, France, 1999 Bibtex entry
E. Melin, B. Raffin, X. Rebeuf et B. Virot, A Cost Model for Asynchronous and Structured Message Passing (Extended Version), Research Report, No.99-07, LIFO, Universit\é d'Orl\éans, 1999 Bibtex entry

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