Call for participation

Sixth French Conference on Logic and Constraint Programming

May 26-28 1997 -- Orléans, France

The French Conference on Logic and Constraint Programming and UNIF (*), the International Workshop on Unification, are jointly organized in Orléans this year. The aim of the meeting is to review recent research work on the conference topics with a particular focus on the interactions between the different aspects of logic programming, automated deduction, constraint resolution and their application domains. JFPLC'97 follows the series of previous meetings which took place in Clermont-Ferrand (96), Dijon (95), Bordeaux (94), Nîmes (93) and Lille (92).

The technical program of the conference includes three invited conferences, the presentations of fifteen refereed papers and a poster session. A full session is devoted to industrial participants. This session is jointly organized with Orléans-Technopole and focuses on products and applications of Constraint Programming.

The official JFPLC'97 languages are French and English.

The conference registration includes the proceedings, the three lunches, the hotel Groslot reception, the visit of the castle of Blois (one of the royal Loire castles), the conference banquet on the Loire river banks.

For any further details (scientific program, hotels, access to the site, registration form, etc.) see the web pages or contact the organizing committee.

(*) The UNIF'97 workshop organized by S. Anantharaman (University of Orléans) will be held on May 28-30, 1997. For any further information, please contact

Conference Chair:

    Gérard Ferrand

(Université d'Orléans, FRANCE)
Program Chair:
(Université d'Orléans, FRANCE)
Program Committee:
(Munich University, GERMANY)
(MPI Saarbruck, GERMANY)
(INRIA Rocquencourt, FRANCE)
(Brandeis University, USA)
(Université de Marseille, FRANCE)
(Université de Lille, FRANCE)
(Université Catholique de Louvain, BELGIQUE)
(Université Paris I, FRANCE)
(Université d'Auvergne, FRANCE)
(Université de Namur, BELGIQUE)
(Université de Rennes, FRANCE)
(Brown University, USA)
(Université de Montpellier, FRANCE)

Invited Speakers:

Posters Session Chair: Nirina Andrianarivelo

Organizing Committee:

Michel Bergère, Wadoud Bousdira, Jacques Chabin, Frédéric Goualard,
Laurent Granvilliers, Arnaud Lallouet, François Le Berre, Sébastien Limet,
Pierre Rety, Gilles Richard, Frédéric Saubion, Agnès Tellez-Arenas,
Alexandre Tessier.

Secretary telephone: +33 2 38 41 70 11 Fax : +33 2 38 41 71 37

Electronic mail:


Ministere de l'Education Nationale de l'Enseignement Superieur et de la Recherche, Region Centre, Departement du Loiret, Mairie d'Orleans, Universite d'Orleans, CNRS, INRIA, CNET, European Network in Computational Logic, Orleans-Technopole, Ilog, Hitachi, PrologIA, Cosytec.

Scientific program

May 26, 1997
8:30 -- 9:15   Registration
9:15 -- 9:30   Welcome speech
9:30 -- 10:30   Invited lecture 1
  Catuscia Palamidessi, Professor at Università di Genova
  Constraint programming for concurrent and distributed computing
10:30 -- 11:00   Coffee break
11:00 -- 12:30   Session 1: Languages and extensions
  Donald A. Smith: MixLog: a generalized rule-based language
  Jean-Hugues Réty: A distributed concurrent constraint language
  Arnaud Lallouet: DP-LOG: a data-parallel logic language
13:00 -- 14:00   Lunch
14:30 -- 16:00   Session 2: Semantics
  Maarten H. van Emden: Canonical extensions as common basis for interval constraints and interval arithmetic
  Karine Liogier: Constructive negation and two-valued models
  Viet Phan Luong: Computing stable models of datalog programs with negation
16:00 -- 16:30   Coffee break
16:30 -- 18:00   Session 3: Constraint satisfaction problems
  Nicolas Barnier and Pascal Brisset: Optimisation by hybridization of a CSP and a genetic algorithm
  Pierre Dago: Valued dynamic backtracking
  Narendra Jussien and Patrice Boizumault: Best first strategies for constraint relaxation
18:00   Poster session + demos (room 2, Muséum)
19:00   AFPL meeting

May 27, 1997
9:30 -- 10:30   Invited lecture 2
  Jacques Carlier, Professor at Université de Technologie de Compiègne
  in collaboration with Eric Pinson, Université Catholique de l'Ouest
  Bounds and adjustments associated with the Pm/ri,qi/Cmax scheduling problem
10:30 -- 11:00   Coffee break
11:00 -- 12:30   Session 4: Constraints
  Eric Boucher and Bruno Legeard: Exact optimisation tool in logic programming with set constraints
  Laurent Granvilliers: Symbolic transformations and box consistency for continuous CSPs
  Christine Solnon: Cooperation of linear solvers over the reals to solve linear integer problems
13:00 -- 14:00   Lunch
14:00 -- 19:00   Industrial session
  14:00 -- 15:45
      Welcome speech, Olivier Jouin, Orléans Technopole
      - Frédéric Benhamou: Research topics in computing at University of Orléans
      - Philippe Codognet: Constraint programming: an introduction
      - Abder Aggoun: Modelling and solving industrial problems
      - Kamel Heus: The automatisation of staff scheduling, an example in a care units
  15:45 -- 16:30
      Coffee break and system demonstrations
  16:30 -- 18:00
        - Stéphane N'Dong
           Simulation systems for banking
           Maintenance planing
           Industrial process optimization
        - Jean-Francois Puget:
           Production scheduling, team planing, ressource allocation, logistics, ...
      System demonstrations
19:00   Reception at the Mayor's (Hôtel Groslot)

May 28, 1997   JFPLC'97-UNIF'97 joint sessions
8:30 -- 9:15   UNIF'97 registration
9:15 -- 9:30   UNIF'97 welcome speech
9:30 -- 10:30   Invited lecture 3
  John Alan Robinson, Professor Emeritus at Syracuse University
  Unification and resolution in retrospect
10:30 -- 11:00   Coffee break
11:00 -- 12:30   Session 5: Resolution and optimisation
  Jean-Michel Richer and Jean-Jacques Chabrier: A problem resolution approach in logic based on constraint satisfaction techniques
  Olivier Roussel and Philippe Mathieu: Exact logic compilation in predicate calculus: the partial achievement case
  Mathieu Jaume: Formalization of SLD-resolution in the inductive construction calculus
13:00 -- 14:00   Lunch
14:30   Excursion (Château de Blois)
19:30   Banquet

May 29, 1997   UNIF'97

May 30, 1997   UNIF'97

Practical informations

Conference venue
The conference is located at Museum des Sciences Naturelles d'Orléans - 2 rue Marcel Proust - Orléans
The museum is located downtown, close to the railway station.

Access maps are available on the conference web pages where you will find indications for train and plane access.

Accomodation and lunch
A selection of convenient hotels situated downtown at walking distance of the Museum is available on the conference web server. Please note that the hotels in Orléans are often very busy and that early booking is strongly advised.

Lunch will be served at restaurant RIE Mairie - 2 rue des Anglaises - 45000 Orléans

Social events
A reception will be organised on May 27 at hôtel Groslot, a renaissance building situated downtown at walking distance from the Museum and the Cathedral.

On May 28, a visit to the Château de Blois, one of the most spectacular royal castle of the Loire valley, followed by a banquet, will be organised for JFPLC'97 and UNIF'97 participants.

Industrial sessions
On May 27, the industrial sessions, co-organized with Orléans-Technopole, will be devoted to an introduction to constraint programming and its industrial applications. These sessions will be followed by a reception at hôtel Groslot. Participation to these sessions is included for the conference attendants. Registration to the industrial sessions alone is also possible (see registration form below).

UNIF'97 Workshop
The UNIF'97 workshop will take place in Orléans from May 28 to May 30, 1997. May 28 will include joint JFPLC'97-UNIF'97 events: invited lecture, parallel sessions, excursion and banquet.

If you wish to attend UNIF'97, please contact:

Further details are available at URL:

Conference fees
Registration should be paid by credit card (Visa, Mastercard, American Express).
The registration form (see below) is to be sent to:

JFPLC'97 - LIFO - Faculté des Sciences - Université d'Orléans
4, Rue Léonard de Vinci - B.P. 6759 - 45067 ORLE'ANS Cedex 2 - FRANCE

or alternatively faxed to +33 2 38 41 71 37.

Registration form

Any further information regarding the conference can be obtained by contacting the organizing committee or at the conference web page at URL:

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