Description of the format to be used when writing an article for JFPLC'97 is described below. This text originates from a previous one written by Rene Jacquart at TSI. The aspect of this HTML version is not to be fully trusted.

Instructions for Authors


LIFO - Universite d'Orleans
IIIA, rue Leonard de Vinci
B.P. 6759
F-45067 Orleans Cedex 2
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Abstract: The abstract is to be written in size 9 italic Times. Its length should not exceed a dozen lines.

Key-words : a maximun of significant words.

1. Typeface

Text is to be composed in Times Roman lower case size 10, interlined 12.

1.1 Format

Pages will have the following characteristics:

- width of texts (or justification) : 120 mm
- length of texts, including notes :

1.2. Titles and sub-titles

1.2.1 Title of the article

The title is to be composed in size 18 lower case roman. If there is a sub-title, it will be in size 14 roman.

1.2.2. Name of the author

The first and second name of the author are to be composed in size 12 lower case roman bold letters ; his affiliation and professional address will be in size 10 italics.

1.2.3. Summary and key words

They are to be written in size 9 italic lower case letters, with a narrow line drawn above and below it.

1.2.4. Sub-headings

They are all blocked against the left-hand margin, and numbered decimally :

- first level (1.) in size 10 lower case roman bold letters
- second level (1.1.) in size 10 italic lower case bold letters (except for the number in roman bold letters)
- third level (1.1.1.) in size 10 italic lower case letters (except for the number in roman)
- fourth level ( in size 10 roman lower case

If higher levels are necessary, bold, italic and small capitals should be used rather than capitalized text.

Each section is to be preceded by two blank lines and followed by one.

1.3. Indentation

Indentation of first lines is 5mm wide. When using enumerations, each item is to be preceded by a long dash 5mm from the left margin.

1.4. Notes

They are at the bottom of the page in roman size 9 interlined 10, numbered from 1 to n in the article, separated from the actual text by two blank lines, topped by a narrow line of 2.5cm.

1.5. Figures and captions/titles

Figures are numbered from one to n in the article. Every figure must have a number in roman bold size 10, and a caption preceded by two spaces, composed in italic size 10. The whole caption must be aligned on the left margin, separed from the figure by one blank line and followed by two blank lines.

1.6. Formulas

They are numbered from [1] to [n]. The number is placed between square brackets, aligned on the right margin. Short formulas may be centered. Each formula must be preceded and followed by a blank line.

1.7. Page numbering

Pages are not to be numbered.

1.8. Bibliography

The bibliography must be written in size 9 roman lower case letters. Names of the authors are in small capitals. References appear in alphabetical order, preceded by their index of the forme [NAM 97]. They are composed as follows:

- books:

[HOR 93] Horaud R. and Monga O., Vision par ordinateur -- outils fondamentaux, editions Hermes, 1993.

- articles:

[VUY 90] Vuylsteke P. and Oosterlink A., <<Range image acquisition with a single encoded light pattern>>, IEEE Transactions on PAMI, vol. 12, no 2, 1990

- thesis and reports:

[STR 92] Strauss O. Perception de l'environnement par vision en lumiere structuree : segmentation des images par poursuite d'indices, these d'universite, Montpellier, 1992

- proceedings:

[KEA 88] Keane M., <<Where's the beef ? The Absence of Pragmatic Factors in Pragmatic Theories of Analogy>>, Proceedings of the Eight European Conference on Artificial Intelligence, ECAI-88 (1988), p. 327-332.