
May 26, 1997
8:30 -- 9:15   Registration
9:15 -- 9:30   Welcome speech
9:30 -- 10:30   Invited lecture 1
  Catuscia Palamidessi, Professor at Università di Genova
  Constraint programming for concurrent and distributed computing
10:30 -- 11:00   Coffee break
11:00 -- 12:30   Session 1: Languages and extensions
  Donald A. Smith: MixLog: a generalized rule-based language
  Jean-Hugues Réty: A distributed concurrent constraint language
  Arnaud Lallouet: DP-LOG: a data-parallel logic language
13:00 -- 14:00   Lunch
14:30 -- 16:00   Session 2: Semantics
  Maarten H. van Emden: Canonical extensions as common basis for interval constraints and interval arithmetic
  Karine Liogier: Constructive negation and two-valued models
  Viet Phan Luong: Computing stable models of datalog programs with negation
16:00 -- 16:30   Coffee break
16:30 -- 18:00   Session 3: Constraint satisfaction problems
  Nicolas Barnier and Pascal Brisset: Optimisation by hybridization of a CSP and a genetic algorithm
  Pierre Dago: Valued dynamic backtracking
  Narendra Jussien and Patrice Boizumault: Best first strategies for constraint relaxation
18:00   Poster session + demos (room 2, Muséum)
19:00   AFPL meeting

May 27, 1997
9:30 -- 10:30   Invited lecture 2
  Jacques Carlier, Professor at Université de Technologie de Compiègne
  in collaboration with Eric Pinson, Université Catholique de l'Ouest
  Bounds and adjustments associated with the Pm/ri,qi/Cmax scheduling problem
10:30 -- 11:00   Coffee break
11:00 -- 12:30   Session 4: Constraints
  Eric Boucher and Bruno Legeard: Exact optimisation tool in logic programming with set constraints
  Laurent Granvilliers: Symbolic transformations and box consistency for continuous CSPs
  Christine Solnon: Cooperation of linear solvers over the reals to solve linear integer problems
13:00 -- 14:00   Lunch
14:00 -- 19:00   Industrial session
  14:00 -- 15:45
      Welcome speech, Olivier Jouin, Orléans Technopole
      - Frédéric Benhamou: Research topics in computing at University of Orléans
      - Philippe Codognet: Constraint programming: an introduction
      - Abder Aggoun: Modelling and solving industrial problems
      - Kamel Heus: The automatisation of staff scheduling, an example in a care units
  15:45 -- 16:30
      Coffee break and system demonstrations
  16:30 -- 18:00
        - Stéphane N'Dong
           Simulation systems for banking
           Maintenance planing
           Industrial process optimization
        - Jean-Francois Puget:
           Production scheduling, team planing, ressource allocation, logistics, ...
      Cocktail and system demonstrations
19:00   Reception at the Mayor's (Hôtel Groslot)

May 28, 1997   JFPLC'97-UNIF'97 joint sessions
8:30 -- 9:15   UNIF'97 registration
9:15 -- 9:30   UNIF'97 welcome speech
9:30 -- 10:30   Invited lecture 3
  John Alan Robinson, Professor Emeritus at Syracuse University
  Unification and resolution in retrospect
10:30 -- 11:00   Coffee break
11:00 -- 12:30   Session 5: Resolution and optimisation
  Jean-Michel Richer and Jean-Jacques Chabrier: A problem resolution approach in logic based on constraint satisfaction techniques
  Olivier Roussel and Philippe Mathieu: Exact logic compilation in predicate calculus: the partial achievement case
  Mathieu Jaume: Formalization of SLD-resolution in the inductive construction calculus
13:00 -- 14:00   Lunch
14:30   Excursion (Château de Blois)
19:30   Banquet

May 29, 1997   UNIF'97

May 30, 1997   UNIF'97

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