Lifo - Laboratoire d'Informatique Fondamentale d'orléans INSA Centre Val de Loire Université d'Orléans Université d'Orléans

Lifo > Publications de l'année 1995

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Accès aux publications de l'année : 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024

Divers (67)

F. Tendeau, Stochastic parse-tree recognition by a pushdown automaton, in Fourth International Workshop on Parsing Technologies, pp.234-249, Prague/Karlovy Vary, Czech Republic, 1995 Bibtex entry
F. Tendeau, Parsing with Algebraic Power Series using Dynamic Programming, in Tenth Twente Workshop on Language Technology, pp.107-112, Enschede, Netherlands, 1995 Bibtex entry
M. Halfeld Ferrari Alves, Update Rules in Datalog Program, Rapport de recherche, No.95-22, LIFO , 1995 Bibtex entry
J.C. Bassano et M.H. Hwang, Proposition d'une architecture connexionniste pour léxploitation de textes en recherche documentaire , Bulletin du CID (Centre des Hautes Etudes Internationales en Informatique Documentaire), Vol.59, 1995 Bibtex entry
Arnaud Lallouet et Yann Le Guyadec, Contribution to the semantics of a data-parallel logic programming language, in Post International Logic Programming Symposium Workshop on Parallel Logic Programming Systems, V\'\itor Santos Costa, Fernando Silva et Inês de Castro Dutra ed., pp.32-41, Portland, Oregon, December 8, 1995 Bibtex entry
Arnaud Lallouet et Lionel Martin, Validation compositionelle pour l'apprentissage de pr\édicats en Programmation Logique Inductive, in Actes des journ\ées pleinières du GDR de Programmation, Grenoble, France, November, 1995 Bibtex entry
G\érard Ferrand et Alexandre Tessier, S\émantique des Programmes Logiques avec Contraintes fond\ée sur la Relation de Couverture, in actes du pôle Contraintes et Programmation Logique, Philippe Devienne ed., pp.35-42, Journ\ées du GDR Programmation du CNRS, 1995 Bibtex entry
Alexandre Tessier, Grammatical View of Constraint Logic Programs, 1995, Note: PARallel FORmal Computing Environment meeting (ESPRIT 6707) Bibtex entry
Alexandre Tessier, The Reject Criterion of Constraint Logic Programming Systems: a Semantics for Incorrectness Diagnosis, 1995, Note: INRIA Seminary Bibtex entry
G. Richard et F. Saubion, A Rewrite Approach for Constraint Logic Programming, in Proceedings of International Symposium LATIN'95, No.911, LNCS, pp.469-482, Valparaiso (Chile), Springer-Verlag, 1995 Bibtex entry
G. Richard et F. Saubion, A Rewrite Approach to Transform Constraint Logic Programs, Journal of Computing and Information, Vol.Proceedings of ICCI'95, IEEE International Conference on Computing and Information, Trent University, Canada, pp.184-200, 1995, Note: Bibtex entry
G. Richard et F. Saubion, Constraint Rewrite Programs : a Way to Evaluate CLP Programs, in JFPL'95: IVèmes Journ\ées Francophones de Programmation en Logique, pp.35-49, Dijon, France, Teknea, 1995 Bibtex entry
Yann Le Guyadec, D\ésynchronisation des Programmes Data-Parallèles: une Approche S\émantique, TSI, Vol.14, No.5, pp.619-638, 1995 Bibtex entry
Dominique Delamarre et Bernard Virot, Une Bibliothèque pour la Parall\élisation G\én\érique du Recuit Simul\é et de la Recherche Tabou, in Renpar'7, G. Libert, J.L. Dekeyser et P.Manneback ed., pp.226-229, Facult\é Polytechnique de Mons, 1995 Bibtex entry
Bruno Raffin et Bernard Virot, Algorithmique Neuronale, Chapitre 3, pp.49-68, in Parall\élisme et Applications Irr\égulières, C. Roucairol et al. ed., Hermès, 1995 Bibtex entry
F. Benhamou et Touraivane, Prolog IV: langage et algorithmes, in JFPL'95 (Journ\ées Francophones de Programmation Logique), pp.51-66, Dijon, France, Teknea, 1995 Bibtex entry
J-L. Fouquet, V. Giakoumakis, F. Maire et H. Thuillier , On Graphs without $P_5$ and $\overlineP_5$, Discrete Mathematics, Vol.146, pp.33-44, 1995 Bibtex entry
F. Benhamou, Interval Constraint Logic Programming, pp.1-21, in Constraint Programming: Basics and Trends, LNCS no 910, A. Podelski ed., Springer Verlag, 1995 Bibtex entry
Atika Laribi et S.-A. Laribi, AI techniques as a decision support aid for the diagnosis of Adverse Drug Reactions, in $8^th$ International Symposium on AI, Monterrey (Mexico), october, 1995 Bibtex entry
I. Rusu, Quasi-parity and Perfect Graphs, Information Processing Letters, Vol.54, pp.pp 35-39, 1995 Bibtex entry
I. Rusu, Perfect and Locally Perfect Colourings, Journal of Graph Theory, Vol.20, No.4, pp.501-512, 1995 Bibtex entry
I. Rusu, A new Class of Perfect Hoàng Graphs, Discrete Mathematics, Vol.145, pp.279-285, 1995 Bibtex entry
S. Anantharaman et G. Richard, A Rewrite Mechanism for Logic Programs with Negation, in Lecture Notes in Computer Science , Jieh Hsiang ed., Vol.914, pp.163-178, Springer-Verlag, 1995 Bibtex entry
T. Chen et S. Anantharaman, STORM : A Many-to-on Associative-Commutative Matcher, in Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Jieh Hsiang ed., Vol.914, pp.414-419, Springer-Verlag, 1995 Bibtex entry
G. Richard et F. Saubion, A Rewrite Approach to transform Constraint Logic Programming , in On-line Proceedings of International Conference on Computing and Information (ICCI'95), Peterborough (Canada), July, 1995 Bibtex entry
G. Richard et F. Saubion, A Rewrite Approach for Constraint Logic Programming, in Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LATIN'95), Vol.911, pp.469-483, Valparaiso (Chili), Springer-Verlag, April, 1995 Bibtex entry
M. Bergère, G. Ferrand et J-H. R\éty, Ind\épendance de la règle de calcul pour la SLD-r\ésolution avec retard, Technique et Science Informatiques , Vol.14, pp.693-712, 1995 Bibtex entry
G. Utard et G. Hains, Deadlock-free absorption of barrier synchronisations, Information Processing Letters, Vol.56, 1995 Bibtex entry
G. Hains et J. Mullins, A metacircular data-parallel functional language, in EURO-PAR'95, Springer LNCS, Vol.966, pp.711-714, 1995, Note: Extended Abstract Bibtex entry
D. Archambault et J-C. Bassano, Un r\éseau de neurones pour l'apprentissage supervis\é d'une grammaire du langage naturel, in The Second International Symposium on Economic Informatics, Bucharest (Romania), may, 1995 Bibtex entry
G. Desrocques, S-A.Laribi et J-C. Bassano, NAIF: Neural Architecture for Information Retrieval in French, A multi neural architecture controled by simulated annealing., in The Second International Symposium on Economic Informatics, Bucharest (Romania), may, 1995 Bibtex entry
S-A. Laribi, G. Desrocques, A.Laribi et J-C. Bassano, Une nouvelle architecture adapt\ée à l'analyse dynamique de textes en langage naturel, in Quinzièmes journ\ées internationales IA95, G\énie linguistique 95, EC2 ed., Montpellier, juin, 1995 Bibtex entry
L. Martin et C.Vrain, A three-valued framework for the induction of general programs, in Fifth International Workshop on Inductive Logic Programming, L. De Raedt ed., pp.109-128, Leuven, september, 1995 Bibtex entry
L. Martin et C. Vrain, Mult_ICN: an empirical multiple predicate learner, in Fifth International Workshop on Inductive Logic Programming, L. De Raedt ed., pp.129-144, Leuven, september, 1995 Bibtex entry
M. Halfeld Ferrari Alves, D. Laurent et N. Spyratos, Update Transactions for Deductive Databases with Updates Rules, in X SBBD - Simposio Brasileiro de Banco de Dados, Recife, Br\ésil, 1995 Bibtex entry
D. Laurent, V. Phan Luong et N. Spyratos, Une nouvelle approche des mises à jour des bases de donn\ées, Technique et Science Informatiques, Hermes, Vol.14, No.3, pp.347-374, 1995 Bibtex entry
M. Halfeld Ferrari Alves, D. Laurent et N. Spyratos, Update Rules in Datalog Programs, in 3rd Logic Programming and Non-Monotonic Reasoning Conference, pp.71-84, Lexington, KY, USA, LNAI, Springer-Verlag, 1995 Bibtex entry
M. Halfeld Ferrari Alves, D. Laurent et N. Spyratos, Règles de mise à jour et programmes Datalog$^neg$, in Journ\ées Francophones de Programmation en Logique, pp.241-255, Dijon, 1995 Bibtex entry
C. Vrain et D. Laurent, Apprentissage de Règles et Bases de Donn\ées D\éductives, in Onzièmes Journ\ées Bases de Donn\ées Avanc\ées, pp.303-322, Nancy, 1995 Bibtex entry
Arnaud Lallouet et Yann Le Guyadec, Une approche data-parallèle de la programmation logique, in RenPar'7, Dekeyser, Libert et Manneback ed., pp.200-203, Mons, Belgium, June, 1995 Bibtex entry
Arnaud Lallouet, Preuves compositionelles en programmation logique, in JFPL(Journ\ées Francophones de Programmation Logique), pp.143-157, Dijon, France, 1995 Bibtex entry
G\érard Ferrand et Arnaud Lallouet, A compositional proof method of partial correctness for normal logic programs, in International Logic Programming Symposium, J.W. Lloyd ed., Portland, Oregon, The MIT Press, December, 1995 Bibtex entry
B. Malfon et G. Ferrand, Type Correct Programs, a semantics approach, in International Logic Programming Symposium, J.W. Lloyd ed., Portland, Oregon, The MIT Press, December, 1995 Bibtex entry
Leo Bachmair, Ta Chen, I.V. Ramakrishnan, Siva Anantharaman et Jacques Chabin, Experiments with Associative-Commutative Discrimination Nets, in Proceedings of the 14th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Chris S. Mellish ed., Vol.1, pp.348-354, Montreal, Canada, Morgan Kaufmann, August, 1995 Bibtex entry
T. Chen, L. Bachmair, I.V. Ramakrishnan, S. Anantharaman et J. Chabin, Experiments with Associative-Commutative Discrimination Nets, Rapport de recherche, No.95-1, LIFO , 1995 Bibtex entry
B. Raffin et B. Virot, Learning Boolean Functions Safe from Local Minima with a Generalized Perceptron, Rapport de recherche, No.95-2, LIFO , 1995 Bibtex entry
L. Martin et C. Vrain, Apprentissage Empirique d'un Concept: le Système ICN, Rapport de recherche, No.95-3, LIFO , 1995 Bibtex entry
L. Martin et C. Vrain, MULT-ICN:An Empirical Multiple Predicate Learner, Rapport de recherche, No.95-4, LIFO , 1995 Bibtex entry
C. Vrain et D. Laurent, Apprentissage de Règles et Bases de Donn\ées D\éductives, Rapport de recherche, No.95-5, LIFO , 1995 Bibtex entry
M. Bergère, G. Ferrand, F. Le Berre , B. Malfon et A. Tessier, La Programmation Logique avec Contraintes revisit\ée en termes d'Arbres de Preuve et de Squelettes , Rapport de recherche, No.95-6, LIFO , 1995 Bibtex entry
S. Limet et P. R\éty, Directed Narrowing: An Optimization that More Often Terminates , Rapport de recherche, No.95-7, LIFO , 1995 Bibtex entry
F. Le Berre et A. Tessier, Declarative Incorrectness Diagnosis of Constraint Logic programs. , Rapport de recherche, No.95-8, LIFO , 1995 Bibtex entry
M. Halfeld Ferrari Alves, D. Laurent et N. Spyratos, Passive and Active Rules in Deductives Databases , Rapport de recherche, No.95-9, LIFO , 1995 Bibtex entry
D. Laurent, N. Spyratos et G. Vossen, Optimization and Serializability of Update Transactions in Marked Databases, Rapport de recherche, No.95-10, LIFO , 1995 Bibtex entry
S. Limet et P. R\éty, Conditional directed narrowing, Rapport de recherche, No.95-11, LIFO , 1995 Bibtex entry
N. Andrianarivelo, W. Bousdira et J-M. Talbot, On theorem-proving in Horn theories with built-in algebra, Rapport de recherche, No.95-12, LIFO , 1995 Bibtex entry
A. Lallouet et Y. Le Guyadec, Contribution to the Design and the Semantics of a Data Parallel Logic Programming Language, Rapport de recherche, No.95-13, LIFO , 1995 Bibtex entry
G. Ferrand et A. Lallouet, A compositional proof method of partial correctness for normal logic programs with an application to Gödel, Rapport de recherche, No.95-14, LIFO, 1995 Bibtex entry
B. Malfon et G. Ferrand, Type Correct Programs, a Semantic Approach, Rapport de recherche, No.95-15, LIFO , 1995 Bibtex entry
Y. Le Guyadec et B. Virot, Sequential-Like Proofs of Data-Parallel Programs, Rapport de recherche, No.95-16, LIFO , 1995 Bibtex entry
A. Lallouet et L. Martin, An Efficient Validation Mechanism for Inductive Logic Programming using Compositionality, Rapport de recherche, No.95-17, LIFO , 1995 Bibtex entry
M.A. Privault et G. Richard, Some Termination Properties of Linear Completion, Rapport de recherche, No.95-18, LIFO , 1995 Bibtex entry
C. Vrain et D. Laurent, Learning Query-Rules for Optimizing Databases with Update-Rules , Rapport de recherche, No.95-19, LIFO , 1995 Bibtex entry
B. Raffin et B. Virot, A Learning Rule Safe From Local Minima for a Generalized Perceptron, Rapport de recherche, No.95-20, LIFO , 1995 Bibtex entry
M. Halfeld Ferrari Alves, D. Laurent, N. Spyratos et D. Stamate , Update Rules and Revision Programs, Rapport de recherche, No.95-21, LIFO , 1995 Bibtex entry
Y. Le Guyadec, E. Melin, B. Raffin, X. Rebeuf et B. Virot, Structural Clocks For a Loosely Synchronized Data-Parallel Language, Rapport de recherche, No.95-22, LIFO , 1995 Bibtex entry
G. Hains et J. Mullins, Une Cat\égorie Cart\ésienne Ferm\ée de Structures R\éparties, 1995, Note: Journ\ées du GDR-Programmation, Pôle programmation fonctionnelle, Grenoble, GDRP-CNRS Bibtex entry

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