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Here are 3 links where you can find general information in English about the coronavirus reminding you also of the behavior to adopt:

  • You can go out under certain circumstances. Please remember that you MUST have an “Attestation de déplacement dérogatoire” with you, otherwise you can be fined (135€). If you don’t have access to a printer you can copy the document on a piece of paper, here is the link to the document (both in French & English): Attestation de déplacement dérogatoire (English)

    Police officers will want to see the document in French. The English translation is for your information only. The document has to be renewed for every single trip outside.

    As a reminder, the nearest supermarket to the Orléans campus is Leclerc (about 25 mn walk from the dormitories)
  • Social workers remain mobilized but the students' requests and the exchanges with them are organized by mail and telephone. (all of them may not speak English)
  • They can only be contacted via this email address:
  • CROUS University Halls of residence 
  • The pedagogical teams are working on the online classes, you might have been contacted by your lecturers already. Please check regularly your mails and the information and resources posted on CELENE.
  • The reception services for foreigners at the prefecture are closed until further notice.
    Residence permits that expire on or after 16 March 2010 are extended by three months.
    These foreigners may continue to work and enjoy social rights during this period.
  • Please also check the country-specific information given on the internet sites of your respective embassies and consular services in Paris.

You are a student at the University of Orléans and wish to ask a question to the administrative services. Please fill in the following form