Denys Duchier

  1. Foreword
  2. Death by Concurrency
  3. Death by Concurrency
  4. Death by Concurrency
  5. Threads And Data-Flow Synchronization
  6. Synchronization And Entailment
  7. Explicit Synchronization
  8. Synchronizing on Termination
  9. Joining Threads
  10. Concurrency, Agents and Communication
  11. Real World Problem
  12. Real World Solution
  13. Email Metaphor
  14. Streams for Communication
  15. Stream Processing Actor
  16. Concurrent Sends to 1 Stream
  17. Ports and Streams
  18. Asynchronous Send
  19. Abstractions For Communication
  20. Forwarding Agent
  21. Stream Merging Agency
  22. Stream Splitting Agent
  23. Updatable Cell Agent
  24. Server Agent
  25. Safe Abstractions
  26. Port/Stream from Cell
  27. Port/Stream from Cell is Unsafe
  28. Futures and Read-Only Vars
  29. Safe Port/Stream from Cell
  30. Raising and Catching Exceptions
  31. Exceptions as Non-Local Returns
  32. Exceptions as Errors
  33. Catching Errors
  34. Concurrent Service
  35. Failed Futures
  36. Service Revised
  37. Locks
  38. Per-Object Locks
  39. Streams Instead of Locks
  40. Batching Requests