20.1.1 MakeScript

MakeScript takes as argument a list of atoms representing the words of a sentence to be analyzed and returns a predicate appropriate for encapsulated search. This predicate characterizes a solution: a list Nodes of lexical nodes.

<DG: MakeScript>=
fun {MakeScript Words}
   proc {$ Nodes}
      N = {Length Words}
<DG MakeScript: Defs> 
<DG MakeScript: create lexical nodes> 
<DG MakeScript: sentence partitioning rule> 
<DG MakeScript: install strict yields> 
<DG MakeScript: word order constraints> 
<DG MakeScript: distribution strategy> 

First we create the lexical nodes and then we install some binary constraints between every pair of them. Note

<DG MakeScript: create lexical nodes>=
Nodes = {List.mapInd Words fun {$ I W} {Word2Node I W N Topo} end}
{ForAll Nodes
 proc {$ W1}
    {ForAll Nodes
     proc {$ W2}
<W2 is daughter of W1 iff W1 is mother of W2> 
<Try all possible edges from W1 to W2> 

A german sentence is partitioned into 4 fields: (1) the Vorfeld VF, (2) the root field RF which is a singleton containing just the finite Root of the sentence, (3) the Mittelfeld MF, and (4) the Nachfeld NF for extrapositions. There is an additional restriction that the Vorfeld must contain just one constituent: thus we denote by VFR the root of the Vorfeld. The fields are sequential and form a partition of the Sentence. Variable Topo denotes a record that contains all useful information pertaining to fields.

<DG MakeScript: Defs>=
VF = {FS.var.upperBound 1#N}
Root = {FD.int 1#N}
RF = {FS.var.upperBound 1#N}
{FS.cardRange 1 1 RF}
{FS.include Root RF}
MF = {FS.var.upperBound 1#N}
NF = {FS.var.upperBound 1#N}
VFR= {FD.int 1#N}
{FS.include VFR VF}
Topo = o(vf:VF rf:RF mf:MF nf:NF list:[VF RF MF NF] vfr:VFR root:Root)
Sentence = {FS.value.make 1#N}
{FS.int.seq   Topo.list}
{FS.partition Topo.list Sentence}

<W2 is daughter of W1 iff W1 is mother of W2>=
{FS.reified.include W2.index W1.daughters}=
        {FS.reified.include W1.index W2.mother}

<Try all possible edges from W1 to W2>=
{ForAll Roles
 proc {$ R}
       or {FS.include W2.index W1.role.R}
          {Gamma R W1 W2}
       [] {FS.exclude W2.index W1.role.R}

The sentence partitioning rule states that each word of the input sentence fills precisely one role: either it is root or it fills a role on some other node. Thus the root field RF together with the daughter sets of all nodes must form a partition of the input Sentence.

<DG MakeScript: sentence partitioning rule>=
 {FoldL Nodes
  fun {$ L N} {Append {Record.toList N.role} L} end [RF]}

The strict yield of W1 is the union of contributions from all nodes. W2 contributes nothing if it is not a daughter of W1, otherwise it contributes its full yield. This condition can be expressed using the weighted set constraint WeightC.

<DG MakeScript: install strict yields>=
{ForAll Nodes
 proc {$ W1}
    W1.yieldS =
     {Map Nodes
      fun {$ W2}
          {FS.reified.include W2.index W1.daughters}

Local word order constraints are primarily enforced by procedure WordOrderLocal.

<DG MakeScript: word order constraints>=
{ForAll Nodes WordOrderLocal}

So far, we just enforce the condition that the prenominal domain of an NP is convex (i. e. forms a contiguous interval with no holes, no insertions). Here, we take advantage of the fact that roles det and adj can only occur on NPs; thus, it is harmless to enforce the constraint also when the Node is not an NP.

<DG: WordOrderLocal>=
proc {WordOrderLocal Node}
   SELF = {FS.value.singl Node.index}
   L1   = [Node.role.det Node.role.adj SELF]
   {FS.int.seq L1}
   {FS.int.convex {FS.unionN L1}}

In order to solve the CSP, we need a labeling strategy. Here is an obvious one that doesn't attempt to be particularly clever:

  1. apply the default naive labeling strategy on the collection of mother sets:

    \{\HEAD(w)\mid w\in\VV\}

  2. apply first-fail on the collection of lexicon entry selectors:

    \{\ENTRYIDX(w)\mid w\in\VV\}

  3. finally use again the default naive labeling strategy on the collection of daughter sets:

    \{\rho(w)\mid \rho\in\SETROLES\ w\in\VV\}

<DG MakeScript: distribution strategy>=
{FS.distribute naive {Map Nodes fun {$ N} N.mother end}}
{FD.distribute ff    {Map Nodes fun {$ N} N.entryIndex end}}
{FS.distribute naive
 {FoldL Nodes
  fun {$ L N} {Append {Record.toList N.role} L} end nil}}

Denys Duchier, Claire Gardent and Joachim Niehren
Version 1.3.99 (20050412)