Here are a number of links to the Faculty of Education (INSPE CVL) various partner sites.
National institutional links
- French Ministry of Education
- INSPÉ national network
- Canopé network
- Official Newsletter
- Educnet (Information and Communication Technologies for Education)
- Eduscol (Primary and secondary education)
- Primlangues
- Vocational education
- National Center for Educational Documentation
- National Center for Distance Learning
- Legifrance
- French administration portal: service-public
Regional and local education authority links
- Orléans-Tours education authority
- University of Orléans
- University of Tours
- Departmental services
- Centre-Val de Loire Regional Council
- Regional Center for Educational Documentation
- Secular Association of Orléans Public Education (formerly the Association of Orléans Teacher Training Colleges and IUFM)
Partner links
- MGEN manages your compulsory Social Security scheme and it is essential to join in order to be well protected : Managing your compulsory scheme
- Ecocampus Châteauroux
- Europe Education Formation (goind abroad as a Comenius assistant)
- CIEP (working as a foreign language assistant)
Useful links
- National Institute for Educational Research
- Centre Sciences
- ABES (Bibliographic Agency for Higher Education)
- BNF (National French Library)
- BPI (Centre Pompidou Library)
- Formist (French-speaking network for training in the use of information in higher education)
- INIST (French Institute for Scientific and Technical Information)
- ONISEP (National Office for Information on Education and Professions)
- CIEP (International Center for Educational Studies)
- EduFrance Agency
- CNOUS (National Center for University Works)
Adult vocational training
- Ministry of Education website for continuing education
- Center for studies and research on qualifications
- Center for the development of information on continuing education
- National Institute for Training Professions (AFPA)
- Association for the development of French-language educational multimedia
- FOAD French Forum
- European Center for the Development of Vocational Training