Author: lmvadm
[Mar. 2022] Florian Groult joined LMV on a research engineer position
[Feb. 2022] DeSSUF project : new joint project between the University of Orleans, LIFO, France and the University of Maribor, LPM, Slovenia (43k€, funded in the context of the Athena European University,
The goal of the DeSSUF project is the design, implementation, and the evaluation of the safety, security and ease-of-use of a new programming language for the IoT.
[Dec. 2021] Ziani Yani joined LMV for a Ph.d. on “Vérification formelle des couches de confiance dans les logiciels”
[Dec. 2021] SIOMEDIC Project 2022-2023 (99k€, funded by Région Centre Val de Loire).
SIOMediC: Sécurité de l’Internet des Objets Médicaux Connectés / Security of the Internet of Medical Things
[Dec. 2021] Jordan Ischard joined LMV for a Ph.d. on Reactive Program Proof on October 1st
[Jun. 2021] 15th International Conference on Tests and Proofs (TAP 2021) Du 21/06/2021 au 25/06/2021
[May 2021] GT Clap – Journées GPL – 17 Juin 2021
RDV le pour le 17 juin 2021 pour le GT CLAP aux Journées du GDR GPL!
[Mar. 2021] Frédéric Loulergue joined the Editorial Board du Journal of Computer Languages
Frédéric Loulergue joined the Editorial Board du Journal of Computer Languages (
[Mar. 2021] HLPP 2021, co-chaired by Frédéric Loulergue
14th International Symposium on High-Level Parallel Programming and Applications (HLPP 2021), co-chaired by Frédéric Loulergue