Instructions for camera-ready copy

 jfplc97.english.tar.Z (version 1.2 of Mar. 12, 1997) contains the LaTeX style files and the instructions for authors for the camera-ready copy.
If you do not have the times style: (Shift+Click to download these files using Netscape)

Word 6 contains the Word 6 style file for the camera-ready copy.

The final version must be up to 15 pages in French or English using the LaTeX style file available on this page. The affiliation of the authors including e-mail address should be given on the front page.

Electronic submissions are strongly encouraged, containing a compressed (using gzip or compress) uuencoded (using uuencode) postscript file whose ident (before compression) is:

<1st author>

to the following e-mail address:

If you do not have access to the necessary technology for electronic submission, please send six copies of a complete paper or of a poster paper to the following address:

For any information about the Poster session please contact Nirina Andrianarivelo.

Instructions for authors who do not use the LaTeX style JFPLC'97.

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