
« L'homme de science doit écarter toute idée d'avantages personnels, de résultats « pratiques » et se concentrer exclusivement sur la tâche de découvrir les faits et de les coordonner en une théorie intelligible. »

Aldous Huxley --- L'HOMME ET LA RÉALITE


Accepté pour publication.

Sufficient conditions for polynomial-time detection of induced minors.

Clément Dallard, Maël Dumas, Claire Hilaire, Anthony Perez.



Polynomial kernels for edge modification problems towards block and strictly chordal graphs.

Maël Dumas, Anthony Perez, Mathis Rocton, Ioan Todinca.


Superpixels algorithms through network community detection.


SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics
arXiv | doi

On Graphs Coverable by k Shortest Paths.

Maël Dumas, Florent Foucaud, Anthony Perez, Ioan Todinca.

A preliminary version appeared at ISAAC 2022.

arXiv | doi

A Cubic Vertex-Kernel for Trivially Perfect Editing.

Maël Dumas, Anthony Perez, Ioan Todinca.

A preliminary version appeared at MFCS 2021.

arXiv | doi

On the Complexity of Broadcast Domination and Multipacking in Digraphs.

Florent Foucaud, Benjamin Gras, Anthony Perez, Florian Sikora.

A preliminary version appeared at IWOCA 2020.


Analysis of the dynamics and influence of the research work of Prof. Liu Zeyuan in China featuring a new hybrid approach combining community detection with topic tracking.

Jean-Charles Lamirel, Younes Gueddari, Yuqi Wang, Pascal Cuxac, Anthony Perez, Nicolas Dugué.

Discrete Applied Mathematics

An O(n 2) time algorithm for the minimal permutation completion problem.

Christophe Crespelle, Anthony Perez, Ioan Todinca.

A preliminary version appeared at WG 2015.

Discrete Applied Mathematics

Exact algorithms for weak Roman domination.

Mathieu Chapelle, Manfred Cochefert, Jean-François Couturier, Dieter Kratsch, Romain Letourneur, Mathieu Liedloff, Anthony Perez.

A preliminary version appeared at IWOCA 2013.

Journal of Computer System and Sciences
arXiv | doi

Linear kernel for Rooted Triplet Inconsistency and other problems based on conflict packing technique.

Christophe Paul, Anthony Perez, Stéphan Thomassé.

A preliminary version appeared at MFCS 2011.

Discrete Applied Mathematics
arXiv | doi

On the kernelization of ranking r-CSPs: Linear vertex-kernels for generalizations of Feedback Arc Set and Betweenness in tournaments.

A preliminary version appeared at TAMC 2013.

Social Network Analysis and Mining
arXiv | doi

A community role approach to assess social capitalists visibility in the Twitter network.

Nicolas Dugué, Vincent Labatut, Anthony Perez.

A preliminary version appeared at ASONAM 2014.

Social Network Analysis and Mining

Social capitalists on Twitter: detection, evolution and behavioral analysis.

Nicolas Dugué, Anthony Perez.

A preliminary version appeared at CompleNet 2013.

arXiv | doi

On the (Non-)Existence of Polynomial Kernels for P l-Free Edge Modification Problems.

Sylvain Guillemot, Frédéric Havet, Christophe Paul, Anthony Perez.

A preliminary version appeared at IPEC 2010.

Information and Computation
arXiv | doi

Polynomial kernels for Proper Interval Completion and related problems.

Stéphane Bessy, Anthony Perez.

A preliminary version appeared at FCT 2011.

Journal of Computer System and Sciences
arXiv | doi

Kernels for Feedback Arc Set in tournaments.

Stéphane Bessy, Fedor V. Fomin, Serge Gaspers, Christophe Paul, Anthony Perez, Saket Saurabh, Stéphan Thomassé.

A preliminary version appeared at FSTTCS 2009.

Discrete Applied Mathematics
arXiv | doi

Polynomial kernels for 3-leaf power graph modification problems.

Stéphane Bessy, Christophe Paul, Anthony Perez.

A preliminary version appeared at IWOCA 2009.

Conférences internationales

IWOCA 2024
arXiv | doi

Detecting K 2,3 as an induced minor.

Clément Dallard, Maël Dumas, Claire Hilaire, Martin Milanič, Anthony Perez, Nicolas Trotignon.

IPEC 2023
arXiv | doi

An Improved Kernelization Algorithm for Trivially Perfect Editing.

Maël Dumas, Anthony Perez.

IDA 2021

SINr: Fast Computing of Sparse Interpretable Node Representations is not a Sin!

Thibault Prouteau, Victor Connes, Nicolas Dugué, Anthony Perez, Jean-Charles Lamirel, Nathalie Camelin, Sylvain Meignier.

IPEC 2021
arXiv | doi

Polynomial Kernels for Strictly Chordal Edge Modification Problems.

Maël Dumas, Anthony Perez, Ioan Todinca.


GeST: A New Image Segmentation Technique based on Graph Embedding.

WG 2021

Completion to Chordal Distance-Hereditary Graphs: A Quartic Vertex-Kernel.

Christophe Crespelle, Benjamin Gras, Anthony Perez.


Bringing a Feature Selection Metric from Machine Learning to Complex Networks.

Nicolas Dugué, Jean-Charles Lamirel, Anthony Perez.


A reliable and evolutive web application to detect social capitalists.

Nicolas Dugué, Anthony Perez, Maximilien Danisch, Florian Bridoux, Amélie Daviau, Tennessy Kolubako, Simon Munier, Hugo Durbano.

BESC 2014

On the importance of considering social capitalism when measuring influence on Twitter

Maximilien Danisch, Nicolas Dugué, Anthony Perez.