Journée thématique :

Organisée par le PPF "Fouille de Données en Région Centre"
LIFO, Orléans, le 27 Novembre 2009, 10H00-17H00


Appel à communications


Infos pratiques

Programme provisoire :

09H30 Accueil
10H00 Conférence invitée 1 : "Introduction au traitement des flux de données : du requêtage à la fouille",
Georges Hébrail, Telecom-ParisTech.
Résumé : Human activity is nowadays massively supported by computerized systems. These systems handle data to achieve their operational goals and it is often of great interest to query and mine such data with a different goal: the supervision of the system. The supervision process is often difficult (or impossible) to run because the amount of data to analyze is too large to be stored in a database before being processed, due in particular to its historical dimension. This problem has been studied intensively for several years, mainly by researchers from the database field. A new model of data management has been defined to handle "data streams" which are infinite sequences of structured records arriving continuously in real time. This model is supported by newly designed data processing systems called "Data Stream Management Systems". These systems can connect to one or several stream sources and are able to process "continuous queries" applied both to streams and standard data tables. These queries are qualified as continuous because they stay active for a long time while streaming data are transient. The key feature of these systems is that data produced by streams are not stored permanently but processed "on the fly". Note that this is the opposite of standard database systems where data are permanent and queries are transient. Such continuous queries are used typically either to produce alarms when some events occur or to build aggregated historical data from raw data produced by input streams. As data stored in data bases and warehouses are processed by mining algorithms, it is interesting to mine data streams, i.e. to apply data mining algorithms directly to the streams instead of storing them beforehand in a database. This problem has also been studied a lot and new data mining algorithms have been developed to be applicable directly to streams. These new algorithms process data streams "on the fly" but they can also provide results based on a portion of the stream instead of the whole stream already seen. Portions of streams are defined by fixed or sliding windows. We will provide an introduction to the data stream management and mining field. First, the main applications which motivated these developments will be presented (telecommunications, computer networks, stock market, security, ...) and the new concepts related to data streams will be introduced (structure of a stream, timestamps, time windows, ...). A second part will present the main concepts and architectures related to Data Stream Management Systems. The third part will present the main results about the adaptation of data mining algorithms to the case of streams.
11H00 Session de communications 1
  • Annotation morpho-syntaxique d'un corpus oral par enchaînements de CRF
    Isabelle Tellier, Iris Eshkol, Samer Taalab
    Université d'Orléans
  • Extraction de motifs séquentiels à partir de traces d'utilisation pour la construction automatique de modèles de tâches dans les systèmes tutoriels intelligents (pdf)
    Philippe Fournier-Viger*, Engelbert Mephu Nguifo**, Roger Nkambou*
    *Université du Québec, **LIMOS, Université Blaise Pascal
11H40 Pause
11H50 Conférence invitée 2 : "Utilisation de la fouille de séquences appliquée au texte",
Thierry Charnois, Peggy Cellier, GREYC.
12H50 Déjeuner sur place
14H00 Conférence invitée 3 : "Extraction de motifs séquentiels ... mythes et réalités",
Sandra Bringay, Cemagref - Institut de recherche pour la gestion durable des eaux et des territoires.
15H00  Session de communications 2
  • Classification et modélisation stochastique de séries temporelles de la vitesse du vent (pdf)

    Rudy Calif*, Richard Emilion**
    * GRER Université des Antilles et de la Guyane, ** MAPMO, Université d'Orléans
15H40 Conférence invitée 4 : "Contributions de l'inférence grammaticale à la fouille de données séquentielles
Stéphanie Jacquemont, Laboratoire Hubert Curien
Discussion et fin

Laboratoire d'Informatique
Université François-Rabelais, Tours

Laboratoire d'Informatique Fondamentale d'Orléans

Laboratoire de Mathématiques et Applications, Physique Mathématique d'Orléans

Projet Pluri Formation "Fouille de Données en Région Centre"

Avec le soutien de :     Association Française pour l'Intelligence Artificielle     Extraction et Gestion des Connaissances       Société Francophone de Classification       Société Française de Statistique