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Construction Work on the Orléans Campus

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Within the framework of the Recovery Plan (France Relance) and of the State-Region Contract Plan (CPER), several construction sites are underway and will not be finished until 2025. 

It is recommended to be cautious and respectful of security measures around these sites, since they can be disturbed by the presence of heavy plant machinery. We invite you to choose soft mobility or a collective transport solution if you have to travel near these sites.

Parking areas located on campus are public and open to all staff members and students, regardless of their structure.


See below an overview of the various construction sites and their consequences on mobility:


Footbridge over the lake

The new footbridge was placed on February 14th, and is currently being finalized.

A diagnosis of the watertightness was performed, and certain areas were reworked.

Work is also planned on the valves that control drainage.

About lake refilling: Initially, the lake will be refilled by rainfall.

Depending on the water level, the possibility of filling the lake by external means will be studied (subject to prefectoral authorization).

As soon as conditions are optimal, it is planned to install aquatic plants and re-stock the lake with fish, in collaboration with University sustainable development projects.

Travaux passerelle Lac
Travaux passerelle Lac 2
Travaux passerelle Lac 3


Travaux passerelle Lac 4
Travaux passerelle Lac 5
Travaux passerelle Lac 6


From mid-2022 to end of 2024/2025

Creation of a central kitchen behind the Lac restaurant and renovation of the university restaurants

Impacted areas ► The parking area dedicated to the Faculty of Law, Economics and Management (UFR DEG) located behind the Lac restaurant, the parking area located in front of the Students’ House, the parking area located rue de St Armand behind the Polytech Engineering School (Vinci site), and the parking area behind the Science Library.

From early 2023 to end of 2024

New Sports Hall, rue de Vendôme

Impacted area ► The Sports Hall parking area


Plan travaux campus orléans


Orléans IUT - "Administration" building 

For years, the IUT Orléans site on the La Source campus has been under contruction/redevelopment. The original buildings from the 60s, portable buildings in metal, are being replaced progressively. 

After the demolition/reconstruction operation of the central bloc of the University Institute of Technology and its Thermal Engineering and Energy (GTE) department, which was renamed Energy Transition and Efficiency Professions (MT2E), the University continued with the "Administration" building.

With this project, the University of Orléans is part of an ambitious quality procedure for environmental and energy efficiency. To this end, the building has received the NF HQE certification for buildings in the service sector delivered by Certivea in 2015 with an "Excellent" level. 

As a large-scale project, it was funded within the framework of the French government's recovery plan, France Relance.

In order to design an efficient building, several proposals were taken on despite the constraints of the geographic location to implement them:

  • Compactness of the envelope, via a layering of its functions
  • Solar-heating of the facades, with the main building being North/South oriented, and its secondary wings constituting the "public" bloc and being East/West oriented
  • Treatment of the solarized facades with a rotating awning
  • Addition on the South facade of cap awnings
  • Frame openings equipped with a pierced net to ensure both protection and a natural ventilation of the building
  • Implementing a very efficient envelope associated with an air watertightness treatment
  • Integration of ventilation systems with a view to maximize the system's efficiency.

High-performance insulation and the management of natural ventilation complete the treatment to enable comfort in all seasons, and a good building resistance against significant variations in exterior conditions. 

The new "Administration" building is also an educational tool for students, particularly for the new BUT MT2E training course: this building is apatrimonial tool that they can analyze and understand. 

Video directed by Crea'ture Architectes and OBM Construction


The University of Orléans benefits from the French Government's recovery plan (France Relance).

Logo France Relance