Accès aux publications de l'année :
1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024
Divers (31)
[JFLA-93] G. Richard,
Un Domaine S\émantique pour S3L, in Journ\ées Francaises sur les Langages Applicatifs JFLA'93, INRIA ed., pp.32-48, Cambridge, Mass., 1993
Bibtex entry
[LPS] D. Laurent, V. Phan Luong et N. Spyratos,
Database Updating Revisited, in Third International Conference on
Deductive and Object-Oriented Data\-bases, DOOD'93, Vol.760, pp.296-309, LNCS, Springer-Verlag, 1993
Bibtex entry
[CI93a] F.Benhamou et J.L. Massat ,
Boolean Pseudo-Equations in CLP, in ICLP'93, pp.517-531, Budapest, MIT Press, 1993
Bibtex entry
[CI93b] W. Older et F. Benhamou,
Programming in CLP(BNR), in PPCP'93, Providence, RI, 1993
Bibtex entry
[RN92] F. Benhamou,
Le langage Prolog III, Le Courrier du CNRS, Feb, 1993, Note: special volume on Computer Science
Bibtex entry
[O93a] F. Benhamou et A. Colmerauer ed.,
Constraint Logic Programming, Selected Research, MIT Press, 1993
Bibtex entry
[O93b] F. Benhamou,
Boolean Algorithms in Prolog III, pp.307-325, in Constraint Logic Programming, Selected Research, MIT Press, 1993
Bibtex entry
[kn:arc93rap] D. Archambault et J-C. Bassano,
De l'Utilisation de M\éthodes Connexionnistes pour le
Traitement du Langage Naturel, Rapport de recherche, No.93-10, LIFO, d\écembre, 1993
Bibtex entry
[kn:BBM93] J-C. Bassano, M. Braunwarth et A. Mekaouche,
DIALECT2: a Multi-Experts System for Information Retrieval, Expert Systems for Information Management, Taylor Graham ed., Vol.5, No.1, F. Gibb ed., 1993
Bibtex entry
[kn:BMB93] M. Braunwarth, A. Mekaouche et J-C. Bassano,
Utilisation d'un Tableau Noir Dynamique dans un Système de Recherche
Documentaire, in 13$^\hbox\small th$ International Conference on Natural language processing, pp.33-44, Avignon, EC2, may, 1993
Bibtex entry
[bib:PLILP93] P. Canalda, L. Cognard, A. Despland et M. Mazaud,
Pagode: a Back End Generator, in PLIL93 Internationnal Workshop on Programming Language
Implementation and Logic Programming, No.714, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer, August, 1993, Note: (demonstration of the PAGODE system)
Bibtex entry
[bib:pagodemanuel] P. Canalda, L. Cognard, A. Despland et M. Mazaud,
The PAGODE System User's Guide and Reference Manual, 1.0 édition, INRIA, Rocquencourt, March, 1993
Bibtex entry
[chabinsivarety93] J. Chabin, S. Anantharaman et P. R\éty,
$E$-Unification via Constrained Narrowing, Rapport de recherche, No. 93-7, LIFO-LRI, June, 1993
Bibtex entry
[DE.VI.93] Dominique Delamarre et Bernard Virot,
Simulated Annealing Applied to the Hamiltonian
Problem for Cubic Graphs, Rapport de recherche, No.93-3, LIFO, 1993
Bibtex entry
[Fer93] G. Ferrand,
The notions of Symptom and Error in Declarative Diagnosis of
Logic Programs, in AADEBUG'93 (1st International Workshop on Automated and
Algorithmic Debugging) LNCS 749, Springer Verlag , May 3-5, 1993
Bibtex entry
[DF93] G. Ferrand et P. Deransart ,
Proof Method of Partial Correctness and Weak Completeness for
Normal Logic Programs., Journal of Logic programming , Vol.17, pp.pp 265-278 , 1993
Bibtex entry
[JLF31] E. Flandrin, J-L. Fouquet et H. Li,
On hamiltonian claw-free graphs, Discrete Mathematics , Vol.111, pp.pp 221-229, 1993
Bibtex entry
[JLF34] J-L. Fouquet,
A strengthening of Ben Rebea's lemma, Journal of Combinatorial Theory, 1993
Bibtex entry
[FT93] J-L. Fouquet et H. Thuillier,
Decomposition of 3-connected cubic graphs, Discrete Mathematics, Vol.114, pp.pp 181-198, 1993
Bibtex entry
[kn:icde93] D. Laurent, V. Phan Luong et N. Spyratos,
Updating Intensional Predicates in Deductive Databases , in 9$^\hbox\small th$
IEEE ICDE International Conference
on Data Engineering, 1993
Bibtex entry
[kn:ath] D. Laurent, V. Phan Luong et N. Spyratos,
Database Updating Made Deterministic, in 2$^\hbox\small nd$
workshop CNKBS, Compulog
Net Area Meeting on Knowledge Base, 1993, Note: Full version: rapport de recherche LRI 815, 1993
Bibtex entry
[kn:dood] D. Laurent, V. Phan Luong et N. Spyratos,
Database Updating Revisited, Rapport de recherche, No.93-4, LIFO, 1993
Bibtex entry
[kn:icde94] D. Laurent, V. Phan Luong et N. Spyratos,
Transaction Specification for Marked Databases, Rapport de recherche, No.93-5, LIFO, 1993
Bibtex entry
[LG.VI.93] Le Guyadec,Yann et Bernard Virot,
S\émantique Axiomatique et Automatisation de la Preuve
des Programmes Data-Parallèles, Rapport de recherche, No.93-2, LIFO, 1993
Bibtex entry
[BO.LG.UT.VI.93.1] Luc Boug\é, Yann Le Guyadec, Gil Utard et Bernard Virot,
A Proof System for a Simple Data-Parallel
Programming Language, Research Report, No.93-43, LIP, Ecole Normale Sup\érieure de Lyon 46 All\ée d'Italie F-69364 Lyon C\édex 07 France, 1993
Bibtex entry
[KV93] C. Vrain et Y. Kodratoff ,
Acquiring First Order Knowledge about Air Traffic Control, Knowledge Acquisition Journal, Academic Press Limited , Vol.5, B.R. Gaines \& J.H. Boose et (Eds.) ed., pp.1-36, 1993
Bibtex entry
[VM93] C. Vrain et L. Martin,
``Apprentissage et s\émantique bien fond\ée'', application au système FOIL, Rapport de recherche, No.93-6, LIFO , 1993
Bibtex entry
[DE.FO.TH.VI.93] Dominique Delamarre, J-L. Fouquet, Henri Thuillier et Bernard Virot,
Linear k-Arboricity of Cubic Graphs, Rapport de recherche, No.93-8, LIFO, 1993, Note: (Travail pr\ésent\é à la 14$^\hbox\small th$ British Combinatorial
Conference, Keele, juillet 1993)
Bibtex entry
[BFR] M. Bergère, G. Ferrand et J-H. R\éty,
Independence of the Computation Rule for
SLD-Resolution with Delay, Rapport de recherche, No.93-9, LIFO , 1993
Bibtex entry
[BO.LG.UT.VI.93.2] Luc Boug\é, Yann Le Guyadec, Gil Utard et Bernard Virot,
A Proof System for a Simple Data-Parallel
Programming Language, Rapport de recherche, No.93-11, LIFO, 1993
Bibtex entry
[AR93] S. Anantharaman et G. Richard,
A Rewrite Approach for Constructive Negation in Logic Programming, Rapport de recherche, No.93-12, LIFO , 1993
Bibtex entry
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