With a strong team of highly qualified teacher-researchers, the Pothier Legal Research Center carries out structural research programs, associating the skills of the laboratory’s members and that of its partners (other research laboratories, or even public institutions).
Contract acronym | Main project leader | Theme of the project |
APR-IA* PBC | Philippe TANCHOUX | Spatialized characterization of heritage assets and consideration of interaction with the local urban planning tool and flexible rights tools for heritage enhancement. |
APR-IR** VIVAMEMORI | Florence ABRIOUX | Promoting the intangible and tangible industrial heritage of the Centre-Val de Loire region by producing ethnographic films on industrial memory, putting them online on a dedicated website accessible to researchers and a wider public, and creating innovative mediation tools. The three research areas are the city of Vierzon, the federation of municiplities of Eguzon, Argenton, Vallée de la Creuse and the Loire-Val d'Aubois region. |
GIP EPAU POPSU Métropoles | Pierre ALLORANT | |
APR-IA REDFLAG | Sandie LACROIX DE SOUSA | Detecting fraud and combating money laundering. A multidisciplinary approach: Data Science, Economics and Law. |
MSH AAP n°15 | Sabrina LE NORMAND | |
GIP Parcours Usager "PARJUNUM" | Stéphanie MAUCLAIR | The aim of this report is to suggest ways of developing a digital pathway for users in legal proceedings, based on a multi-disciplinary analysis of the digital system set up in the Loiret region. |
APR-IA CriseReactGlobal "Crises et Globalisation" | Florent BLANCO | In partnership with LEO. The project aims to unite the skills of economists and lawyers around a topical issue linked to the spread of the health crisis, and other recent crises, through international trade and the related behavior of economic agents, to the macroeconomic policies put in place in the face of these shocks, and to the profound institutional, legal, environmental, technological and productive changes that these crises are generating in an increasingly integrated world. |
APR-IA LAPTER | Philippe TANCHOUX | Heritage and tourism labels in the Centre Val de Loire Region: a territorial resource? What is the purpose of heritage and tourism labels? To what extent are labels tools for regional planning and local development? |
APR-IA ETHICS_3.0 | Géraldine GOFFAUX CALLEBAUT | The Ethics_3.0 project (Law & ethics of digital transformations) is an interdisciplinary (law, management) and international (Canada, Japan, Italy, Poland) research project aimed at analyzing, from a legal, ethical, social and managerial angle, the key challenges posed, in the context of globalization, by current and future digital transformations. It aims to cross the legal, managerial, ethical and social issues raised by contemporary technological innovations (particularly AI), in a national and international context. The project, in partnership with Vallorem, aims to federate the skills of lawyers and managers around a highly topical issue linked to digital transformation and the governance that must necessarily be adapted, as well as the impact of these digital transformations on people's cyber vulnerability. |
Contact: Christie VIGNERON
*APR-IA: Call for Academic Research Projects
**APR-IR: Call for Regional Research Projects
Firmly rooted in its institutional environment, the CRJ Pothier is committed to forging solid partnerships with French laboratories (e.g. IRDA, Paris XIII; CEPRISCA, Amiens) and foreign universities and research centers (e.g. Krakow, Poland; Macerata, Italy; Zaragoza, Spain).
Former partnerships
DIRECCTE | Cooperation in applied research, develop and perpetuate actions promoting social dialogue or related to health and safety for members of the Direccte, social partners and economic players in the Centre-Val de Loire Region, develop and perpetuate actions designed to increase the educational opportunities offered to students. | Odile Levannier Gouel (CRJP) |
DIRECCTE: Regional Directorate for Business, Competition, Consumer Affairs, Labor and Employment in the Centre-Val de Loire region