Nathalie Magneron, Director of the INSPÉ Centre Val de Loire | ![]() |
General Introduction
The Faculty of Education the Centre Val de Loire region (INSPE CVL) in is an academic division of the University of Orléans that aims to train future teachers in primary & secondary school, chief education advisers, and professional trainers within the Orléans-Tours education authority. It also intends to develop educational innovation, research and international cooperation initiatives.
Thanks to its 6 centers, the Faculty of Education (INSPE CVL) offers work-study university courses with a vocational focus, for two years post-bachelor’s degree. These training courses entitled “Teaching, Education and Training Professions” (MEEF) at master’s level are divided into 4 specializations.
Finally, the Faculty of Education (INSPE CVL) also participates in the pre-professionalization of bachelor’s level students.
About the institution
According to article L721-3 of the Education Code, the Faculties of Education are operated by a Board and directed by a Director. They also include a Science and Education Vocational Board.
The Faculty’s Director is appointed for 5 years by joint order of the ministers responsible for higher education and national education, on the recommendation of the Faculty's Board. The Director’s team includes the Director, the Department Managers and the Administrative Services Manager.
The Faculty Board
It includes teacher representatives who are at least equal in number to the representatives of other staff and users, one or more representatives of the institution from which it is constituted, and at least 30% of external figures, some of whom are appointed by the rector of the education authority, including at least one representative of local authorities. At least half of the teaching staff representatives are teacher-researcher representatives.
The Faculty Board adopts the rules governing examinations and the procedures for assessing knowledge. It adopts the faculty's budget and approves contracts for matters concerning the faculty. It submits the allocation of jobs assigned to the faculty to the institution’s Board of Directors. It is consulted for recruitments in the institution.
The Science and Education Vocational Board
- Contributes to discussions on the major guidelines of the school's partnership policy and its training and research activities;
- Defines and submits to the Board for approval the main lines of educational research conducted within the Faculty;
- Defines the objectives and procedures for the courses offered by the higher education institution, and oversees their implementation, after approval by the Board;
- Participates in the regular assessment of the training courses and research work implemented in the Faculty;
- Impulses and pilots specific actions to encourage educational innovation and taking into account the students’ difficulties;
- Defines, in agreement with the instances of the University and the Board, the recruitment policy for researchers and teachers intervening in the course concerned.
- Prochaine réunion : non défini