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MEEF for primary education / MEEF for secondary education / MEEF Educational Supervision / M1 MEEF PIF Specialized education

  • 30 Quai de la Guignière - 37230 FONDETTES
    Phone: 02 47 42 71 00
  • Training center organization and contacts:
Vue de la façade de l'ESPE de Tours-Fondettes


  • Student associations
    • AESP (association of students, trainees and staff of the Tours INSPE)
      Postal and telephone contact details are those of the Tours-Fondettes site.
    • The A.E.S.P., an association under the law of 1901 registered with the Indre-et-Loire Prefecture and headquartered at the IUFM - Tours-Fondettes site, is an association open to all: students, trainees and site staff. AESP's main vocation is to offer, on the initiative and under the responsibility of its members, a wide range of cultural and/or sporting activities and events, and to develop the socio-educational life of the site.
  • PCE - Student Cultural Passport
    The Student Cultural Passport (PCE), your cultural access card!
    With your PCE, access hundreds of cultural events all year round at very low prices from 80 partner cultural structures.
    Shows, cinema, exhibitions, visits, workshops, meetings... opt for a year of discovery and excitement!

    PCE favorites and special offers on our Instagram and Facebook pages.
    Partner venues and PCE offers on the website: