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The internationalization of teacher training

Round table discussion on the challenges and benefits of a foreign experience in initial teacher training.

Feedback from trainee teachers who have spent time in Sweden, Austria and Scotland.

Anaïs Chevalier

Erasmus+ study stay in Aarhus, Denmark

This student in M2 MEEF primary education at the Faculty of Education (INSPE CVL) training center in Tours-Fondettes tells us about her experience at Via University College in Aarhus.

Access her feedback (in French)


Pauline Martinez Le Ninan

Erasmus+ study trip in Hradec Kralové, Czech Republic

This student in a M2 MEEF secondary education course in Fine Arts at the Faculty of Education (INSPE CVL) training center in Bourges tells us about the 3 and a half months she spent studying at the Faculty of Education in Hradec Kralové.

Access her feedback (in French)


Alicia Mureau

4-week internship in Manchester, UK

This M1 MEEF (primary education) student at the Faculty of Education (INSPE CVL) training center in Blois shares her experience.

Access her Tumblr blog


Thomas Brossard

4-week internship in Manchester, UK

During this internship abroad, I found myself in a school for 4 weeks, teaching French as a Foreign Language (FLE) and other subjects. This helped me discover a different education system to the one in France, and to experience English culture on a daily basis in the city of Manchester, as well as with the family who welcomed me. It was a truly incredible experience, as Manchester is an extremely dynamic city with a mix of ancient and modern architecture. The host family took great care of me, as did the school staff. I still keep in touch with the host family and some of the people at the school.


Some useful tips for future students wanting to go to England:

- prepare slides / bring objects to tell students about your city/country

- make a plan of places to visit, as there's a lot to do there (Wales nearby, Liverpool, but I'd advise you to visit Manchester first: old libraries, soccer stadiums, museums, stores, pubs)

- don't overfill your suitcase on the outward journey, as you're bound to leave with a lot of extra stuff (clothes, souvenirs, etc.)

- go to a pub to talk to people: the English are generally open to conversation, and it's a great way to meet new people and practice your English.

Olivier Raffy

4-week internship in Florina, Greece

Among the multitude of choices for my internship abroad, I opted for Continental Greece. As I'm passionate about discovering new cultures, it was the perfect place for me, as it wasn't a well-known destination.

The course didn't go as planned. Bad weather altered the itinerary planned by Madame Dardaillon and Mr Kamaroudis, our correspondent, who teaches linguistics at the University of Macedonia. We had planned to stay in Florina for the duration of our stay.

Following this setback, we had the opportunity to observe and intervene in different schools, with very different audiences and in contact with French teachers with very different visions. In short, this unforeseen weather event was an opportunity that made our stay very intense and enriching.

We visited a number of elementary and middle schools in the cities of Thessaloniki, Pella, Ptolemais, Kozani, Servia and Florina. Within the schools, we came into contact with a wide range of audiences, from pupils from more rural backgrounds, to those from immigrant backgrounds, to those from higher social backgrounds, and even French people living in Greece. It's an experience I'd recommend to anyone. Continental Greece is not THE destination in this country, and yet there are many things to see, schools to visit, and people to meet.

This internship was a real life experience, also enabling me to deepen my professional project, and ultimately to share it with my students. After talking to other students who had gone abroad, our internship remained atypical. We weren't able to set up sequences, but we were able to see several types of audience. This enabled us to develop our adaptability in particular. The fact that we were in several cities also enabled us to really discover mainland Greece and some very beautiful towns like Thessaloniki and Volos.

Berangère Hertzler, Morgane Hochet, Mallaury Milion and Lucile Prenant

4-week internship in Växjö, Sweden

These 4 trainee teachers from different Faculty of Education (INSPE CVL) Centre Val de Loire training centers share their experience.

Access their Tumblr blog

Elodie Vernhet

4-week internship in Warsaw, Poland

As part of my first year of the Master MEEF primary education program, I did a one-month internship in partnership with the UKKNJF, a university training college for French teachers in Warsaw. 

While there, I joined La Fontaine, a private school offering a bilingual French-Polish education. Although accustomed to international experiences, this stay in Poland was nothing like my previous peregrinations. Every day was a source of enrichment, both professionally and personally.

On a professional level, I was able to discover a different educational system and a different organization from that of a state school. These differences questioned, amazed and sometimes disappointed me, but whatever my feelings, they all contributed to the construction of a more solid professional posture. Throughout my internship, I observed different teachers and therefore different teaching approaches. I also had the opportunity to take charge of many classes. These practical experiences were often very demanding, as the children presented a wide variety of profiles. As a result, I had to be very creative in my proposals. I'm happy about this, as it's one of the most stimulating aspects of my chosen profession. Today, I benefit from a wide range of knowledge and practical skills that I'm sure I'll be able to put to good use. Indeed, this experience has only confirmed my desire to join the teaching profession, and I hope to do so as soon as the new school year starts!

On a personal note, I was welcomed by a Polish family who never ceased to share their way of life and Polish culture with me. Our mutual curiosity made this stay a real moment of sharing. Despite the fatigue of this intense course, I took advantage of the weekends to visit Warsaw, as well as other Polish cities such as Krakow and Chmielów.

Unfortunately, no sooner had I opened my suitcase than the calendar reminded me that it was time to close it again. The whole experience flew by at breakneck speed. And while the return journey was extremely difficult, today I know that it wasn't a farewell, but a simple good-bye. As soon as time permits, I'll be back in Poland, this time on a road trip to discover the whole country!

To all those who are still hesitating... Go for it! It's an incredible human experience!

Marie-Hélène Le Gal

Erasmus+ study trip to Nijmegen, Netherlands

Aude Jacquet

4-week internship in Växjö, Sweden

This student in M2 MEEF secondary education in Visual Arts integrated a class at the Karl-Oskarskolan school in Sweden for 4 weeks.

Access her Tumblr blog


Rébecca Razzano

Erasmus+ study trip to Kalmar, Sweden

As part of my second year of the Master MEEF program, I spent a semester studying at Linnaeus University in Kalmar, Sweden. This Erasmus+ experience was beneficial in every way. Academically, I had the opportunity to discover another education system, in a Scandinavian country. The teachers were always ready to listen and available when we had questions. Professionally, my semester in Sweden enabled me to develop new observation tools and also to do a five-week placement in a Swedish elementary school. From a personal point of view, it was a truly enriching experience. ESN (Erasmus Student Network) organized lots of activities and trips (including a trip to Lapland!) for international students. So it was very easy to make new friends and discover more about Sweden, its traditions and customs.

If you're on the fence about an Erasmus trip, don't hesitate any longer! You'll never regret it. The return will certainly be more difficult than the arrival...


Charlotte Carroy

4-week internship in Akron, Ohio, USA

During my one-month stay in the United States, I went to a private elementary school. I taught a variety of classes: mainly two Grade 1 classes (equivalent to CP), but also Kindergarden (equivalent to grande section de maternelle) and Grade 3-4 (equivalent to CE2-CM1). I worked in each Grade 1 class, every other day. Most of the time, I helped the teacher with group work. We also did a “Projet France” together, which involved the students learning about French customs through various means (magazines, books, internet) and on different subjects (arts, dance, sports, food, school...).

My stay was absolutely fabulous on every level: I discovered sumptuous landscapes and a culture far removed from American clichés; my host family was very nice, welcoming me very warmly and showing me around the city and the region; the school teachers and the headmistress were very kind, understanding and always caring; and the students were interested and interesting (classes of 15 students foster a good classroom climate, no doubt! ) Despite a few (joking) remarks about my accent, they were always adorable.

It's a trip that not only shapes you professionally, but also personally.


Sophie Tafforeau

4-week internship in Granada, Spain

This one-month internship in Spain took place in a bilingual school that facilitated exchanges. We were three trainees, one in each class. During this placement, I was able to take charge of the class and give lessons, mainly in French as a foreign language after a short course in FLE at the Faculty of Education (INSPE CVL) in Blois. The students were motivated to speak and learn French. We were able to adapt fully to the class, leading sessions, taking part in cultural visits and school projects.

In addition to our internship at the school, we went on many visits to the city of Granada, which is culturally rich. We also went on outings with our tutors, who were very enriching, as they knew the city very well and explained many things to us, as well as showing us places that were much less touristy but just as beautiful, if not more so.

The internship was extremely enriching both culturally and personally. Extraordinary encounters, a very welcoming country and city. In terms of experience, if I had to do it all over again, I'd definitely do it again. I'd also like to return to Granada to perfect my Spanish and continue my cultural visits.

A stay abroad is an experience you should have at least once in your life, as it allows you to discover other horizons and yourself. Don't hesitate, take this course and you'll come out a better person!


Jessica Harel

Erasmus+ study stay in Hradec Kralové, Czech Republic

Excellent, perfect, unforgettable! A great human experience, so much so that I wish I'd stayed for the whole year rather than just one semester!

To validate my semester, I was asked to choose 30 ECTS in total, I had to choose different subjects from an imposed list (that of the Faculty of education). I was able to take courses that had no place in my French curriculum, such as: introduction to piano, drawing, fitness and computer graphics. I've also chosen courses that are totally in line with my French background, such as: educational theory, English or practical training (the equivalent of an internship in a school). The teachers are very pleasant and willing to help and adapt their assessments for foreign students.

For five months I lived with a Taiwanese, two Mexicans, a Peruvian and a Pole. The atmosphere was radiant and very pleasant! In fact, I'm still in touch with my former flatmates and we're planning to meet up again in a year's time! As far as student parties are concerned, there are plenty! All nationalities get together over a beer, a pizza, a game of pool or on the dancefloor, and the conversations in English can be quite explosive! Student life also means free time and sometimes long weekends, which has enabled me to travel all over the Czech Republic and beyond!

My first piece of advice would be to learn a few words in Czech (polite phrases, for example), as it's much easier to approach people in the street in Czech than in English outside the capital; some people get scared when they hear you speak English right from the start! My second piece of advice would be not to hesitate to meet the whole class of foreign students right from the start, and don't be shy: five months goes by quickly... Too fast! And my final piece of advice would be to make the most of your time here to improve your English and even other languages!


Axel Maillaird

4-week internship in London, Ontario, Canada

During my internship at an elementary school in London, I was introduced to a new culture and a different way of doing things. It was very enriching both humanly and professionally. I learned a lot. The local students were almost non-existent during the meetings organized with them - what a pity! Take some money to enjoy this experience even more.


Pascaline Louvet

4-week course in Twickenham, England

The 1st week was a course in teaching French as a foreign language, with a 3-day “vacation”. Then 3 weeks of work experience in a local school. Weekends and evenings were ours. The internship was pretty good. I never met any local students. Life in England is expensive, so bring plenty of change. Take a rechargeable Oyster card for bus and train travel. You need to have a fairly good grasp of English.


Anne Drouin 

Erasmus studies in Göttingen, Germany

Hello everyone,

I went to Germany, in Göttingen with the Erasmus program during the 1st semester of my 2nd year of Master’s. It was a wonderful experience!

I was given a very warm welcome by the other Erasmus students, the university staff and the German students. The teachers in the host country are very understanding and adapt to the situation of international students. I was able to complete my semester without any problems.

For those who want to make the most of their youth, don't hesitate to go! Erasmus is a great way to meet people from different backgrounds, discover the country, and enrich your knowledge of one or more languages (here: English and German). Göttingen is a student city, so I was able to take advantage of its vitality, multicultural outings, parties and so on.

I'm at a loss for words, this experience changed my life so much that I had no desire to return to France! I'll be returning to Germany soon, as I've been invited by my friends.

Try your luck, you won't regret it, it's an enriching experience on every level!