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Actions for Professional Gender Equality

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Gender equality is one of the University’s main objectives since our aim is to contribute to the reinforcement of our Republic’s core values. Knowing this equality is not yet a reality, the UO, through the work of its Vice-President for Equality, has engaged in a vast plan for professional gender equality. This plan allows us to work on a daily basis on the 6 following aspects:

  1. Evaluating, preventing and treating the wage gap between men and women;
  2. Guaranteeing an equal access for men and women to all types of jobs;
  3. Overseeing the balance between professional activity and personal and family life;
  4. Preventing and treating discriminations, acts of violence, psychological or sexual harassment and sexist actions;
  5. Allowing a reinforcement in our equality policy governance;
  6. Developing actions towards students (for instance, the creation of a Memory Equality Price) and future students (through awareness campaigns and trainings rolled out in partnership with the Local Education Authority).

Action plan for professional gender equality:


Booklet for gender parity 2020: