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Miscellaneous (21)
[JLF36] J-L. Fouquet and V. Giakoumakis,
On $P_k$-free bipartite graphs, in Comptes rendus du colloque d'Amiens..., juin, 1992
Bibtex entry
[DB1] G. Desrocques and J-C. Bassano ,
R\éseaux neuronaux et informatique documentaire, in Conf\érence d\ébat Saisie et compr\éhension intelligente des
documents, SENAT, janvier, 1992
Bibtex entry
[DB2] G. Desrocques and J-C. Bassano ,
M\éthodes du recuit simul\é appliqu\ées au Langage Naturel., Bulletin du Centre Informatique de Documentation, CID, Vol.3ème trimestre , pp. 7-16, 1992
Bibtex entry
[DF92a] P. Deransart and G. Ferrand ,
An Operational Formal Definition of PROLOG: a Specification Method and its Application., New Generation Computing, Ohmsha Ltd and Springer Verlag, Vol.10, pp. 121-171, 1992
Bibtex entry
[VI.92] B. Virot,
Parallel Annealing by Multiple Trials, Chapter 8, pp.109-127, in Simulated Annealing: Parallelization Techniques, R. Azencott ed., John Wiley, 1992
Bibtex entry
[DE92] A. Ed-dbali and P. Deransart.,
Software Formal Specification by Logic Programming:
the example of Standard Prolog., in LPSS'92 (Logic Programming Summer School), Zurich, september , 1992, Note: Published in Logic Programming in Action - Lecture Notes in
Artificial Intelligence 636 - Springer Verlag 1992.
Bibtex entry
[DE92-rap] A. Ed-dbali and P. Deransart.,
Software Formal Specification by Logic Programming:
the example of Standard Prolog., Rapport de recherche, No.92-8, LIFO, 1992
Bibtex entry
[DF92b] G. Ferrand and P. Deransart,
Proof method of partial correctness and weak completeness for normal logic programs., in JICSLP'92 (Joint International Conference and Symposium on Logic Programming), Washington DC, MIT Press, november, 1992
Bibtex entry
[FV92] G. Fouqu\é and C. Vrain,
Building a Tool for Software Code Analysis, A Machine Learning Approach, in 4th Conference on Advanced Information Systems Engineering, Manchester, UK, 12-15 May, 1992
Bibtex entry
[kn:icde92] D. Laurent, V. Phan Luong and N. Spyratos,
Deleted Tuples are Useful when Updating through Universal Scheme Interfaces, in 8$^\hbox\small th$ IEEE ICDE International
Conference on Data Engineering, Phoenix, 1992
Bibtex entry
[JLF32] E. Flandrin, J-L. Fouquet and H. Li,
On hamiltonian biclaw-free graphs, in Twente Colloquium , 1992
Bibtex entry
[BousdiraRemy92] W.Bousdira and J-L. R\émy,
A Ground Confluence Proof Based on Case Reasoning, Rapport de recherche, No.92-7, LIFO-CRIN, 1992
Bibtex entry
[kn:tods] D. Laurent, V. Phan Luong and N. Spyratos,
The Use of Deleted Tuples in Database Querying and Updating, Rapport de recherche, No.92-5, LIFO, 1992
Bibtex entry
[chabinrety] J. Chabin and P. R\éty,
Directed Narrowing Including Merging, Rapport de recherche, No.92-1, LIFO, 1992
Bibtex entry
[lacrampeligou] J-J. Lacrampe and M. Ligou,
Une Machine \Équitable pour Implanter S3L , Rapport de recherche, No.92-2, LIFO, 1992
Bibtex entry
[ananthandria] S. Anantharaman and N. Andrianarivelo ,
A Complete Semi-decision Procedure for Horn Theories, Rapport de recherche, No.92-3, LIFO, 1992
Bibtex entry
[ferrandderansart] G. Ferrand and P. Deransart ,
Proof Method of Partial Correctness and Partial Completeness
for Normal Logic Program, Rapport de recherche, No.92-4, LIFO, 1992
Bibtex entry
[nardin] B. Nardin,
Divers Aspects de l'\Équit\é dans un Langage Fonctionnel S3L, Rapport de recherche, No.92-9, LIFO, 1992
Bibtex entry
[laurent92] D. Laurent, V. Phan Luong and N. Spyratos,
Updating Intensional Predicates in Deductive Databases, Rapport de recherche, No.92-10, LIFO, 1992
Bibtex entry
[lacrampe] J-J. Lacrampe,
S3L à Tire d'Ailes, Rapport de recherche, No.92-11, LIFO, 1992
Bibtex entry
[ensemble] ,
Actes de la Journ\ée Ensemble (09/04/92), Rapport de recherche, No.92-12, LIFO, 1992
Bibtex entry
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