Go to publications of year :
1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024
International Refereed Journals (3)
[LG.VI.95.1] Y. Le Guyadec and B. Virot,
Sequential-Like Proofs of Data-Parallel Programs, Parallel Processing Letters, Vol.6, No.3, pp.415-426, 1996
Bibtex entry
[Rusu1996DM] I. Rusu,
Properly orderable graphs, Discrete Mathematics, Vol.158, pp.223-229, 1996
Bibtex entry
[Tessier-compulog-96] G. Ferrand and A. Tessier,
Declarative Debugging, The Newsletter of the European Network in Computational
Logic, Vol.3, No.1, 1996
Bibtex entry
Books or Book Chapters (3)
[DEC-95] P. Deransart, A. Ed-Dbali and L. Cervoni,
Prolog, The Standard : Reference Manual, Springer Verlag, 1996
Bibtex entry
[MV96b] L. Martin and C. Vrain,
A Three-Valued Framework for the Induction of General
Logic Programs, pp.219-235, in Advances in Inductive Logic Programming, Luc de Raedt ed., IOS Press, 1996
Bibtex entry
[BO.CA.LG.UT.VI.96.2] L. Boug\é, D. Cachera, Y. le Guyadec
, G. Utard and B. Virot,
Formal Validation of Data Parallel Programs:
Introducing the Assertional Approach, pp.252-281, in The Data Parallel Programming Model, G.R. Perrin and Alain Darte ed., Springer LNCS 1132, Les M\énuires, France, March, 1996
Bibtex entry
International Conferences with Proceedings (21)
[Pettorossi1996] A. Pettorossi, M. Proietti and S. Renault,
How to Extend Partial Deduction to Derive the KMP String-Matching Algorithm
from a Naive Specification, in Joint International Conference and Symposium on Logic Programming, M. Maher ed., MIT Press, September, 1996
Bibtex entry
[Parot1996] P. Parot,
A Logic-Based Technology to Mechanize Software Components Reuse, No.1101, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer, 1996
Bibtex entry
[Parigot1996B] D. Parigot, G. Roussel, M. Jourdan and E. Duris,
Dynamic Attribute Grammars., in PLILP'96, Programming Languages: Implementations, Logics and Programs, No.1140, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pp.122-136, Aachen, Germany, Springer, September, 1996
Bibtex entry
[LallouetM:ISMIS96] A. Lallouet and L. Martin,
Compositional validation in Inductive Logic
Programming, in International Symposium on Methodologies for Intelligent
Systems, Zakopane, Poland, June 9-13, 1996, Note: Poster session
Bibtex entry
[Desrocques-PSI96] G. Desrocques, A. Laribi, S.A. Laribi and J.-C. Bassano,
Simulated Annealing and Neural Networks: Tools for a Natural
Language Processing System, in PSI96 Perspectives of System Informatics, Second
International Conference, Novosibirsk, Akademgorodok, Russia, Siberian Division of the Russion Academy of Sciences, June, 1996
Bibtex entry
[Tessier-gulp-96] F. Le Berre and A. Tessier,
Declarative Incorrectness Diagnosis in Constraint Logic
Programming, in Joint Conference on Declarative Programming, Paqui Lucio, Maurizio Martelli and Marisa Navarro ed., pp.379-391, Donostia - San Sebastian, Spain, 1996, Note: (Preliminary version available as, LIFO, University of
Orl\éans, Technical Report 95/08)
Bibtex entry
[rs-ecai96] G. Richard and F. Saubion,
Answer Synthesis for CLP with Negation, in Proceedings of the 12th European Conference on Artificial
Intelligence ECAI'96, W. Wahlster ed., pp.200-204, Budapest (Hungary), John Wiley and Sons LTD, August, 1996
Bibtex entry
[benhamou-heterogeneous] F.Benhamou,
Heterogeneous Constraint Solving, in Proceedings of the fifth International Conference on
Algebraic and Logic Programming (ALP'96), Vol.1139, LNCS, pp.62-76, Aachen, Germany, Springer-Verlag, 1996
Bibtex entry
[benhamou-granvil-combining] F. Benhamou and L. Granvilliers,
Combining Local Consistency, Symbolic Rewriting
and Interval Methods, in Proceedings of AISMC-3, Vol.1138, LNCS, pp.144-159, Steyr, Austria, Springer-Verlag, 1996
Bibtex entry
[benhamou-granvil-semantics] F. Benhamou and L. Granvilliers,
A Fixpoint Approximate for Cooperating Numerical
Solvers (extended abstract), Reliable Computing, Proceedings of INTERVAL'96, 1996, Note: (Supplement)
Bibtex entry
[benhamou-granvil-groebner] F. Benhamou and L. Granvilliers,
Application of Gröbner Bases for
Numerical Constraint Solving, in Proceedings of IMACS ACA'96, Linz, Austria, 1996
Bibtex entry
[LG.ME.RA.RE.VI.96] Y. Le Guyadec, E. Melin, B. Raffin, X. Rebeuf and B. Virot,
Strucural Clocks for a Loosely Synchronized
Data Parallel Language, in Proceeedings of the Second International
Conference on Massively Parallel Computing
Systems, MPCS'96, Ischia (Italy), pp.501-508, EUROMICRO, 1996
Bibtex entry
[LG.ME.RA.RE.VI.96.3] Y. Le Guyadec, E. Melin, B. Raffin, X. Rebeuf and B. Virot,
A loosely Synchronized Execution Model for a
Simple Data-Parallel Language, in EuroPar'96 Parallel Processing, Vol. 1, Luc Boug\é, Pierre Fraignaud, Anne
Mignotte and Yves Robert ed., pp.732-741, Lyon, France, Springer, LNCS 1123, 1996
Bibtex entry
[SOCO96] B. Raffin and B. Virot,
A Learning Rule Safe From Local Minima for a Generalized
Perceptron, in Proceedings of the international ICSC Symposia on
Intelligent Industrial Automation and Soft Computing, P.G. Anderson and K. Warwick ed., Vol.B, pp.223-229, University of Reading, England, ICSC Academic Press, March, 1996
Bibtex entry
[LimetRetyAmast96] S. Limet and P. Rety,
Conditional Directed Narrowing, in proc of the 5th Conf. on Algebraic Methodology and Software Technology, Wirsing, M., Nivat and M. ed., Vol.1101, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pp.637-640, Munich, Germany, Springer-Verlag, 1996
Bibtex entry
[LimetRetyALP96] S. Limet and P. Rety,
On Decidability of Unifiability modulo some Retrite
Systems, in poster session of the Inter. Conf. on Algebraic and Logic
Programming., Aachen, Germany, 1996
Bibtex entry
[Vr96] C. Vrain,
Hierarchical Conceptual Clustering
in a First Order Representation, in Ninth International Symposium on Intelligent
Systems, ISMIS 96, LNAI 1079, Zbigniew W. Ra\'s and Maciek Michalewicz ed., pp.643-652, Zakopane, Pologne, Springer Verlag, 1996
Bibtex entry
[AndriaBT-AISMC3-96] N. Andrianarivelo, W. Bousdira and J-M. Talbot,
On theorem-proving in Horn theories with built-in algebras, in Lecture Notes in Computer Science, J. Calmet, J.A. Campbell and J. Pfalzgraf ed., pp.320-338, Steyr, Austria, Third International Conference on Artificial
Intelligence and Symbolic Computation, 1996
Bibtex entry
[Tessier-asian-96] A. Tessier,
Declarative Debugging in Constraint Logic Programming, in Asian Computing Science Conference, Joxan Jaffar ed., Vol.1179, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pp.64-73, Singapour, Springer-Verlag, 1996
Bibtex entry
[Tessier-alp-96] A. Tessier,
Declarative Debugging in Constraint Logic Programming, in International Conference on Algebraic and Logic Programming
(Poster session), Michael Hanus ed., pp.38-49, Aachen, Germany, Technical Report 96/9, Aachener Informatik - Berichte, 1996
Bibtex entry
[Hains.europar96] G. Hains and J. Mullins,
Array Structures and Data-Parallel Algorithms, in EURO-PAR'96, Boug\é, Fraigniaud, Mignotte and Robert ed., No.1124, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pp.409-416, Lyon, LIP-ENSL, Springer, 1996
Bibtex entry
International Workshops with Proceedings (5)
[unif-96] G. Richard and F. Saubion,
Linear Completion for Equational Logic Program, in $10^th$ International Workshop on Unification Herrshing
(Germany) , K. Schulz and S. Kepser ed., No.96-91, Tech. Report CIS-Universität München, pp.115-128, 1996
Bibtex entry
[limetsaubMPLP96] S. Limet and F. Saubion,
Combining Rewrite Tools for Equational Logic Programming, in proc. of intern. Workshop on Multi-Paradigm Logic
Programming (Bonn)., pp.71-82, TU-Berlin, 1996
Bibtex entry
[LV96] D. Laurent and C. Vrain,
Learning Query Rules for Optimizing
Databases with Update Rules, in International Workshop Logic in Databases, LID 96,
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 1154, Dino Pedreschi and Carlo Zaniolo ed., pp.153-172, San Miniato, Italy, Springer Verlag, 1996
Bibtex entry
[MV96a] L. Martin and C. Vrain,
Induction of Constraint Logic Programs, in 7th International Workshop on Algorithmic Learning Theory
(ALT'96), LNAI 1160, Setsuo Arikawa and Arin K. Sharma ed., pp.169-177, Sydney, Australia, Springer Verlag, 1996
Bibtex entry
[VL96] C. Vrain and D. Laurent,
Updates and Induction in Deductive Databases, in Proceedings of the Abductive and Inductive Reasoning
workshop, pp.62-67, Budapest, Hungary, August, 1996
Bibtex entry
National Conferences/Workshops with Proceedings (6)
[Parigot1996A] D. Parigot, G. Roussel, E. Duris and M. Jourdan,
Les Grammaires Attribu\ées: un langage fonctionnel d\éclaratif, in JFLA'96 Journ\ées Francophones des Langages Applicatifs, No.15, Collection Didactique, Val-Morin, Qu\ébec, INRIA, Janvier, 1996
Bibtex entry
[AL-JFPLC96] A. Lallouet,
Une notion de composant logiciel en Programmation Logique, in Journ\ées Francophones de la Programmation Logique et de
la Programmation par Contraintes, JFPLC'96, J.-L. Imbert ed., pp.83-98, Clermont-Ferrand, France, Hermes, June 5-7, 1996
Bibtex entry
[Chambre-jfplc96] P. Chambre,
Une m\éthode de preuve pour programmes concurrents avec
contraintes sous forme clausale, in Journ\ées Francophones de la Programmation Logique et de
la Programmation par Contraintes, JFPLC'96, J.-L. Imbert ed., Clermont-Ferrand, France, Hermes, June 5-7, 1996
Bibtex entry
[BM-JFPLC96] B. Malfon,
Quelques modèles quadrivalu\és du compl\ét\é,
application à des notions d\éclaratives de symptome
et dérreur, in Journ\ées Francophones de la Programmation Logique et de
la Programmation par Contraintes, JFPLC, J.-L. Imbert ed., pp.83-98, Clermont-Ferrand, France, Hermes, June 5-7, 1996
Bibtex entry
[LG.ME.RA.RE.VI.96.2] Y. Le Guyadec, E. Melin, B. Raffin, X. Rebeuf and B. Virot,
Horloges Structurelles pour la
D\ésynchronisation des Programmes
Data-Parallèles, in Actes de RenPar'8 (Bordeaux, France, 20-24 mai 1996), R. Castanet et J. Roman ed., pp.77-80, LaBRI, Universit\é de Bordeaux 1, 1996
Bibtex entry
[Tessier-jfplc-96] A. Tessier,
Diagnostic d\éclaratif d'insuffisance en programmation
logique avec contraintes, in Journ\ées Francophones de Programmation Logique et
Programmation par Contraintes, Jean-Louis Imbert ed., pp.65-82, Clermont Ferrand, France, HERMES, 1996
Bibtex entry
Miscellaneous (22)
[ben96a] F. Bentayeb,
Mises à jour au travers de vues dans les bases de
donn\ées relationnelles, juillet, 1996, Note: GDR Mod\élisation et Environnement de
D\éveloppement. Journ\ées consacr\ées aux vues et points de vues, Paris la Sorbone
Bibtex entry
[ben96b] F. Bentayeb,
Inversion de l'Algèbre Relationnelle et Mises à jour des
Vues, novembre, 1996, Note: GDR-PRC Bases de donn\ées. Pôle Gestion de la dynamique, CNAM
Bibtex entry
[tellezsiva96] A. Tellez-Arenas and S. Anantharaman,
Theorem proving with non total orderings, Rapport de Recherche, No.96-01, LIFO, Universit\é d'Orl\éans, 1996
Bibtex entry
[rstGDR96] G. Richard, F. Saubion and A. Tellez-Arenas,
Les ensembles intentionnels par les substitutions explicites, in Journ\ées du GDR programmation, Orl\éans, France, 1996
Bibtex entry
[benhamou-granvil-gdr96] F. Benhamou and L. Granvilliers,
CSPs continus et consistances locales, in Proceedings of Journ\ées du GDR Programmation 1996, Orl\éans, France, 1996
Bibtex entry
[t96-01] A. Tessier,
Diagnostic d\éclaratif d'insuffisance en programmation
logique avec contraintes, Rapport de recherche, No.95-22, LIFO , 1996
Bibtex entry
[DE.VI.96.2] D. Delamarre and B. Virot,
Simulated Annealing Algorithm: Amelioration Techniques, Research Report, No.96-2, LIFO, Universit\é d'Orl\éans, 1996
Bibtex entry
[LG.ME.RA.RE.VI.96.1] Y. Le Guyadec, E. Melin, B. Raffin, X. Rebeuf and B. Virot,
A loosely Synchronized Execution Model for
a Simple Data-Parallel language (extended
abstract), Research Report, No.96-5, LIFO, Universit\é d'Orl\éans, 1996
Bibtex entry
[ME.RA.RE.VI.96.3] E. Melin, B. Raffin, X. Rebeuf and
B. Virot,
A loosely Synchronized Execution Model for
a Simple Data-Parallel language, Research Report, No.96-11, LIFO, Universit\é d'Orl\éans, 1996
Bibtex entry
[ME.RA.RE.VI.96.4] E. Melin, B. Raffin, X. Rebeuf and
B. Virot,
SCL-CHAN: An Asynchronous Data-Parallel Language
for Irregular Algorithms, Research Report, No.96-15, LIFO, Universit\é d'Orl\éans, 1996
Bibtex entry
[BO.CA.LG.UT.VI.96.3] L. Boug\é, D. Cachera,
Y. Le Guyadec, G. Utard and B. Virot,
Formal Validation of Data Parallel Programs: a
Two-Component Assertional Proof System for a Simple
Language, Research Report, No.3033, INRIA, Unit\é de Recherche INRIA Rhône-Alpes
655 Avenue de lÉurope F-38330 Montbonnot St Martin,
France, 1996
Bibtex entry
[LIMETRETY96-16] S. Limet and P. R\éty,
E-Unification by Means of Tree Tuple Synchronized Grammars, No.96-16, LIFO, 1996. Available by anonymous ftp at ftp-lifo.univ-orleans.fr
Bibtex entry
[MV96c] L. Martin and C. Vrain,
Induction de programmes logiques avec
contraintes, in R\éunion du pôle Contraintes et Programmation Logique
du GDR Programmation du CNRS, Philippe Devienne ed., Orl\éans, France, Novembre, 1996
Bibtex entry
[Tessier-discipl-96] A. Tessier,
Declarative Diagnosis of Constraint Logic Programs, in Debugging Systems for Constraint Programming meeting
(DiSCiPl, ESPRIT 22532), 1996
Bibtex entry
[Tessier-discipl-ko-96] A. Tessier,
Declarative debugging and CLP, in Debugging Systems for Constraint Programming meeting
(DiSCiPl, ESPRIT 22532), 1996
Bibtex entry
[Tessier-gdr-96] A. Tessier,
Une caract\érisation des arbres SLD en programmation
logique avec contraintes, in Pôle Contraintes et Programmation Logique, Orl\éans, France, Journ\ées du GDR Programmation du CNRS, 1996
Bibtex entry
[Tessier-RR04-96] A. Tessier,
Diagnostic Declaratif d'Insuffisance en Programmation
Logique avec Contraintes, No.96/04, LIFO, University of Orl\éans, 1996
Bibtex entry
[Tessier-RR09-96] A. Tessier,
Declarative Debugging in Constraint Logic Programming: the
Cover Relation, No.96/09, LIFO, University of Orl\éans, 1996
Bibtex entry
[Tessier-rede-96] A. Tessier,
The Cover Relation in Constraint Logic Programming:
Application to Declarative Debugging, 1996, Note: S\éminaire Franco-Portugais Rede
Bibtex entry
[Tessier-afcet-96] A. Tessier,
Mise au point d\éclarative des programmes logiques avec
contraintes, 1996, Note: S\éminaire AFCET
Bibtex entry
[Hains.gdrp96] G. Hains,
L'approche Berry-Curien des Langages Fonctionnels:
Application au Parall\élisme en Processus Statiques, 1996, Note: Journ\ées du GDR-Programmation, Pôle programmation
Orl\éans, France, GDRP-CNRS
Bibtex entry
[Bamha.pcw96] M. Bamha and G. Hains,
Implementing VCODE with Static Processes, in PCW'96, Sixth Parallel Computing Workshop , Kawasaki, Japan, Fujitsu-Labs, FPCRF, 1996, Note: Extended abstract
Bibtex entry
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