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Lifo > Publications for year 2007

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Go to publications of year : 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025

International Refereed Journals

Jean-Luc Fouquet & Jean-Marie Vanherpe, On bipartite graphs with weak density of some subgraphs, Discrete Mathematics, Vol. 307(11-12). Pp. 1516-1524, Elsevier. 2007. [URL]
Arnaud Lallouet & Andrei Legtchenko, Building Consistencies For Partially Defined Constraints With Decision Trees And Neural Networks, International Journal on Artificial Intelligence Tools, Vol. ?(4), World Scientific Publishing. 2007. [URL]
Ansaf Salleb & Christel Vrain, A Contribution to the Use of Decision Diagrams for Loading and Mining Transaction Databases, Fundamenta Informaticae, Vol. 78(4). Pp. 156-168, Polskie Towarzystwo Matematyczne. 2007. [URL]
Ioan Todinca & Karol Suchan, On powers of graphs of bounded NLC-width (clique-width), Discrete Applied Mathematics, Vol. 155(14). Pp. 1885-1893, Elsevier. 2007. [URL]


Jérôme Durand-Lose & Maurice Margenstern, Machines, Computations and Universality (MCU '07), Jérôme Durand-Lose and Maurice Margenstern (Ed.), LNCS 4664. Pp. 1-328, Springer. 2007. [URL]

Book Chapters

Anne Benoit & Frédéric Loulergue, Special issue: Practical Aspects of High-Level Parallel Programming, Anne Benoit and Frédéric Loulergue (Ed.), Vol. Scalable Computing{:} Practice and Experience, 8(1). Pp. 35, Warsaw School of Social Psychology. 2007. [URL]
Béatrice Duval, Ansaf Salleb & Christel Vrain, On the Discovery of Exception Rules: A Survey, in Quality Measures in Data Mining Book, H.J. Hamilton F. Guillet (Ed.). Pp. 77-98, Springer in the Series Studies in Computational Intelligence. 2007. [URL]
Frédéric Loulergue, Special issue on Semantics and Cost Models for High-Level Parallel Programming, Frédéric Loulergue (Ed.), Vol. Computer Languages Structures and Systems, 33(3-4). Pp. 114, Elsevier. 2007. [URL]


Jérémy Briffaut, Formalisation et garantie de propriétés de sécurité système : application à la détection d'intrusions, Thèse de Doctorat. Université d'Orléans. 12. 2007. [URL]
Pierre-Alain Fayolle, Reconstruction 3D d'objets par une representation fonctionnelle, Thèse de Doctorat. Université d'Orléans. 12. 2007. [URL]
Sylvain Jubertie, Modèles et outils pour le déploiement d'applications de Réalité Virtuelle sur des architectures distribuées, Thèse de Doctorat. Université d'Orléans. 12. 2007. [URL]
Pierre Pillot, Utilisation des langages d'arbres pour la modélisation et la vérification des systèmes à états infinis, Thèse de Doctorat. Université d'Orléans. 12. 2007. [URL]

International Conference or Workshop with Proceedings

Anas Abou El Kalam, Yves Deswarte, Amine Baïna & Mohamed Kaâniche, Access Control for Collaborative Systems: A Web Services Based Approach, in IEEE International Conference on Web Services, ICWS 2007. Salt Lake City, UT, United States. Pp. 1064-1071, IEEE Computer Society. 07. 2007. [URL]
Mohamad Al Hajj Hassan & Mostafa Bamha, An Optimal Evaluation of GroupBy-Join Queries in Distributed Architectures, in -, Proceedings of the International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies. Barcelona, Spain. 03. 2007. [URL]
Siva Anantharaman, Paliath Narendran & Michael Rusinowitch, Intruders with Caps, in Rewriting Techniques and Applications - RTA'07, 18th International Conference on Term Rewriting and Applications - RTA'07, F. Baader (Ed.). Paris, France, Lecture Notes in Computer Science(4533). Pp. 20-35, Springer-Verlag. 06. 2007. [URL]
Marco Benedetti, Arnaud Lallouet & Jérémie Vautard, QCSP Made Practical by Virtue of Restricted Quantification, in IJCAI 2007, International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence. Hyderabad, India. Pp. 38-43, AAAI. 01. 2007. [URL]
Marco Benedetti, Federico Pecora & Nicola Policella, Anatomy of a Scheduling Competition, in Proceedings of the International Workshop on Scheduling a Scheduling Competition, held in conjunction with ICAPS'07 (International Conference on Automated Planning and Scheduling). Rhode Island, United States. 2007. [URL]
Radia Benheddi & Frédéric Loulergue, Divide-and-Conquer Programming with Minimally Synchronous Parallel ML, in Seventh International Conference on Parallel Processing and Applied Mathematics (PPAM 2007), Workshop on Language-Based Parallel Programming Models, J. Weglarz and R. Wyrzykowski and B. Szymanski (Ed.). Gdansk, Poland, LNCS, Vol. 4967. Pp. 1078-1085, Springer. 09. 2007. [URL]
Yohan Boichut, Pierre-Cyrille Heam & Olga Kouchnarenko, Tree Automata for Detecting Attacks on Protocols with Algebraic Cryptographic Primitives, in 9th International Workshop on Verification of Infinite-State Systems - INFINITY'07, Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science. Lisbonnes, Portugal, Vol. 239. Pp. 57-72. 2007. [URL]
Jacques Chabin & Pierre Réty, Visibly Pushdown Languages and Term Rewriting, in International Symposium on Frontiers of Combining Systems. Liverpool, United Kingdom, LNAI, Vol. 4720. Pp. 252-266, Springer-Verlag. 09. 2007. [URL]
Guillaume Cleuziou & Céline Poudat, On the impact of Lexical and Linguistic features in Genre and Domain-Based Text Categorization, in 8th International Conference on Intelligent Text Processing and Computational Linguistic (CICLING'2007). Pp. 599-610. 2007. [URL]
João-Paolo Cordeiro, Gaël Dias & Guillaume Cleuziou, Biology Based Alignments of Paraphrases for Sentence Compression, in ACL-PASCAL workshop on Textual Entailment and Paraphrasing associated to the ACL Annual Conference (ACL'2007). 2007. [URL]
Thi-Bich-Hanh Dao & Khalil Djelloul, Solving First-Order Constraints in the Theory of the Evaluated Trees, in Recent Advance in constraints. Lecture notes in computer science. Selected revised paper Csclp 2006., Solving First-Order Constraints in the Theory of the Evaluated Trees, Vol. 4651. Pp. LNAI, Vol 4651. P 108-123, Springer. 04. 2007. [URL]
Pierre Deransart, Mireille Ducassé & Gérard Ferrand, Une sémantique observationnelle du modèle des boîtes pour la résolution de programmes logiques, in Troisièmes Journées Francophones de Programmationpar Contraintes (JFPC07). Rocquencourt / France, France. 06. 2007. [URL]
Khalil Djelloul, Thi-Bich-Hanh Dao & Thom Fruehwirth, Toward a first-order extension of Prolog's unification using CHR, in ACM symposium on applied computing, ACM Symposium on applied computing. Pp. ACM 2007, ISBN 1-59593-480-4. 2007. [URL]
Jérôme Durand-Lose, Abstract Geometrical Computation and the Linear Blum, Shub and Smale Model, in 3rd Conference on Computability in Europe (CiE '07), S.B. Cooper and B. Löwe and A. Sorbi (Ed.). Sienne, Italy, Computation and Logic in the Real World. Third Conference on Computability in Europe, CiE 2007, Siena, Italy, June 18-23, 2007. Proceedings, Vol. 4497. Pp. 238-247, Springer. 06. 2007. [URL]
Matthieu Exbrayat, Analyzing Web Traffic: A Boundaries Signature Approach, in ECML / PKDD Discovery Challenge. Varsovie, Poland. Pp. 53-64. 09. 2007. [URL]
Jean-Luc Fouquet & Jean-Marie Vanherpe, On normal odd partitions in cubic graphs, in 12th Workshop on Graph Theory CID 2007. Karpacz, Poland. 2007. [URL]
Louis Gesbert & Frédéric Loulergue, Semantics of an Exception Mechanism for Bulk Synchronous Parallel ML, in International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing, Applications and Technologies (PDCAT). Adelaide, Australia. Pp. 201-208, IEEE Computer Society. 12. 2007. [URL]
Sylvain Jubertie & Emmanuel Melin, Multiple networks for heterogeneous distributed applications., in PDPTA'07, Proceedings of PDPTA'07, CSREA Press. 06. 2007. [URL]
Sylvain Jubertie & Emmanuel Melin, Performance Prediction for Mappings of Distributed Applications on PC Clusters., in IFIP International Conference on Network and Parallel Computing, Network and Parallel Computing, Springer (Ed.). Pp. 453. 09. 2007. [URL]
Jimmy Leblet & Jean-Xavier Rampon, ST-serie decomposition of orders, in Cologne Twente Workshop on Graphs and Combinatorial Optimization (CTW 2007), Sixth Cologne Twente Workshop on Graphs and Combinatorial Optimization. Pp. 89-93. 2007. [URL]
Hratch Mangassarian, Andreas Veneris & Marco Benedetti, Fault Diagnosis using Quantified Boolean Formulas, in Proc. of the 4th IEEE International Workshop on Silicon Debug and Diagnosis - SDD07. Freiburg, Germany. 2007. [URL]
Hratch Mangassarian, Andreas Veneris, Sean Safarpour, Marco Benedetti & Duncan Smith, A Performance-Driven QBF-based ILA Representation with Applications to Verification, Debug and Test, in International Conference on Computer-aided Design (ICCAD), Proc. of the Int. Conf. on Computer-aided Design (ICCAD). San Jose, United States. Pp. 1-6. 2007. [URL]
Marc Meister, Khalil Djelloul & Thom Fruehwirth, Complexity of a CHR solver for existentially quantified conjunctions of equations over trees., in Recent advances in constraints Lecture notes in computer science. Revised selected paper csclp 2006., Complexity of a CHR solver for existentially quantified conjunctions of equations over trees., Vol. LNAI, Vol 4651. P 139-153. Pp. LNAI, Vol 4651. P 139-153, Springer. 04. 2007. [URL]
Marc Meister, Khalil Djelloul & Jacques Robin, A unified sematics for CHR in transaction logic., in LPNMR 07, The 9th International Conference on Logic Programming and Nonmonotonic Reasoning, Vol. 4483. Pp. LNAI, Vol 4483. P 201-213.. 2007. [URL]
Jonathan Rouzaud-Cornabas & Nicolas Viot, Secured Architecture for Remote Virtual Desktops, in Workshop on Collaboration and Security (COLSEC'07), The 2007 International Symposium on Collaborative Technologies and Systems, IFIP ACM, IEEE (Ed.). Orlando, United States. Pp. 80-87, CTS. 05. 2007. [URL]
Ansaf Salleb, Christel Vrain & Cyril Nortet, QuantMiner: A Genetic Algorithm for Mining Quantitative Association Rules, in 20th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, IJCAI 2007, Proceedings of the 20th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Manuela M. Veloso (Ed.). Hyderabad, India. Pp. 1035-1040, AAAI. 01. 2007. [URL]
Karol Suchan & Ioan Todinca, Pathwidth of Circular-Arc Graphs, in Graph-Theoretic Concepts in Computer Science (WG 2007), Haiko Müller Andreas Brandstädt, Dieter Kratsch (Ed.). Dornburg, Germany, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 4769. Pp. 258-269, Springer. 06. 2007. [URL]
Karol Suchan, Ioan Todinca, Yngve Villanger & Pinar Heggernes, Characterizing Minimal Interval Completions, in 24th Annual Symposium on Theoretical Aspects of Computer Science (STACS 2007), Pascal Weil Wolfgang Thomas (Ed.). Aachen, Germany, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 4393. Pp. 236-247, Springer. 02. 2007. [URL]
David Teller, Towards a resource-safe Erlang, in Workshop on Collaboration and Security, International Symposium on Collaborative Technologies and Systems. Orlando, United States, ISBN: 978-0-9785699-1-4. Pp. 66-71, IEEE Computer Society. 05. 2007. [URL]
Julien Tesson & Frédéric Loulergue, Formal Semantics for the DRMA Programming Style Subset of the BSPlib Library, in Seventh International Conference on Parallel Processing and Applied Mathematics (PPAM 2007), Workshop on Language-Based Parallel Programming Models, J. Weglarz and R. Wyrzykowski and B. Szymanski (Ed.). Gdansk, Poland, LNCS, Vol. 4967. Pp. 1122-1129, Springer. 09. 2007. [URL]

National Conference or Workshop with Proceedings

Marco Benedetti, Arnaud Lallouet & Jeremie Vautard, Quantification restreinte : vers une utilisation pratique des QCSP, in Troisièmes Journées Francophones de Programmationpar Contraintes (JFPC07), JFPC07. 06. 2007. [URL]
Guillaume Cleuziou, Classification recouvrante avec pondération locale des attributs, in 14èmes rencontres de la Société Francophone de Classification (SFC'2007). Pp. 58-61. 2007. [URL]
Guillaume Cleuziou, OKM : une extension des k-moyennes pour la recherche de classes recouvrantes, in 7èmes journées d'Extraction et de Gestion des Connaissances (EGC'2007). Pp. 691-702. 2007. [URL]
Khalil Djelloul, Thi-Bich-Hanh Dao & Thom Fruehwirth, Extension au premier ordre de l'unification des termes par CHR, in Troisièmes Journées Francophones de Programmationpar Contraintes (JFPC07), JFPC07. 06. 2007. [URL]

Poster sessions

Guillaume Cleuziou, Overlapping Clustering with OKM, in workshop on Statistical approaches and validation in clustering. 2007. [URL]
Matthieu Exbrayat & Lionel Martin, Recherche de dimensions caractéristiques pour la classification et la visualisation, in CAp 2007 Conférence Francophone d'Apprentissage. Grenoble, France. Pp. 301-302, Cépaduès. 2007. [URL]

Unrefereed publications at Conferences or Workshops

Antonio Balvet, Stefan Evert, Pauline Haas, Richard Huyghe, Rafael Marin, Louise Mcnally & Isabelle Tellier, NOMAGE: Coding the Semantic Features of French Nominalizations, in Workshop textquoteleftNominalizations across languages',. Stuttgart, Germany. 2007. [URL]

Other Publications

Siva Anantharaman, Paliath Narendran & Michaël Rusinowitch, Intruders with Caps. 05. 2007. [URL]
Pierre Deransart, Mireille Ducassé & Gérard Ferrand, Une sémantique observationnelle du modèle des boîtes pour la résolution de programmes logiques (version étendue). Pp. 54. 2007. [URL]
Jonathan Rouzaud-Cornabas, Corrélation d'événements et d'alarmes pour la détection d'intrusions dans les systèmes réparties, Rapport de Master Recherche, IPVGCA, Université d'Orléans, . 06. 2007. [URL]

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