1st Symposium on Ponds and Lakes: Understanding, managing and enhancing limnic landscapes
This symposium will take place from May 10 to 12, 2021 at the University of Orléans. During the first two days, we will discuss cross-cutting issues in limnology, on local and global scales, with a focus on ponds and lakes, both natural and man-made.
It would be a mistake to consider water bodies, whether natural or man-made, as isolated environments. In fact, every body of water is subject to a number of external environmental factors that condition its physical and, consequently, biological functioning. These include climate and weather conditions, which determine the stratification of the water column, and the type of watershed cover, which controls the input of elements into the lake basin. Similarly, the functioning of the water body becomes the driving force behind a number of natural phenomena and the barycenter of the activities of the populations living around it. Examples include the creation of a microclimate in correspondence with a large lake, or the fish farming activity that develops in small bodies of water. This complex set of interactions between the body of water and the surrounding territories is summarized in the concept of Limnosystem, defined as the set of natural (as a lentic ecosystem interacting with upstream and downstream lotic ecosystems) and socio-cultural (as providing socio-economic services and possessing a cultural identity) interactions occurring in a territory centered on a body of water.
In order to analyze the complexity of limnic territories through the results of the most recent scientific research, the Association of Limnological Geographers (GéoLimno), the Doctoral Geographers' Association of Orléans (A.G.D.O.), and the CEDETE Laboratory of the University of Orléans are organizing the colloquium: “Ponds and lakes: understanding, managing and enhancing limnic landscapes”. The symposium will take place on May 10 and 11, 2021 at the Hôtel Dupanloup of the University of Orléans.
It will focus on the following main themes:
- Physical and dynamic study of lakes
- Social and tourist geography of lakes
- Lake pollution
- Tropical lakes
- Dam lake management
- Lake sedimentation
Pond geography
- Fish farming
- Socio-economic development of aquatic environments
- Stagnant territories
- Pond ecology
Limnology GIS and modelling
- Remote sensing applied to water bodies
- Mapping and GIS of aquatic environments
- Lake and stagnant modelling
Managing aquatic environments in local areas
- Ecological continuity
- Sediment continuity
- Restoration of environments and feedback from removal campaigns
Symposium manager
- Laurent Touchart, Professor, University of Orléans
Scientific committee
- Damien Banas, Professor, University of Lorraine.
- Pascal Bartout, Associate Professor HDR, University of Orléans.
- David Blanchon, Associate Professor HDR, Université Paris 10-Nanterre
- Jean-Paul Bravard, Professor Emeritus, Lyon 2 University
- David Bernard, Associate Professor, University of Savoie
- Bernard Clément, Associate Professor, University of Rennes 1
- Alain Dutartre, Research Engineer, IRSTEA Bordeaux
- Delphine Gramond, Associate Professor, Université Paris IV
- Christian Lévêque, Director of Research Emeritus, IRD
- Michel Meybeck, Professor Emeritus, Université Paris VI
- Olga Motchalova, Engineer, Phosphoris SAS, Moscow (Russia)
- Gheorghe Serban, Professor, University of Cluj-Napoca (Romania)
- Laurent Touchart, Professor, University of Orléans (France)
Organization committee
- Simon Cailliez, doctoral student, University of Orléans
- Quentin Choffel, President of Géolimno, doctorate in geography, University of Orléans
- Bao Guo, doctoral student, University of Orléans
- Francesco Donati, doctoral student, University of Orléans
- Seydou Ka, doctoral student, University of Orléans
- Rivel Moumbongoyo, President of the AGDO, doctoral student, University of Orléans
- Amina Haouchine , doctoral student, University of Orléans
- Cathy Gemon, doctoral student, University of Orléans
- Tarek Nasser, doctorate in geography, University of Orléans
- Geneviève Pierre, Professor, Director of the CEDETE, University of Orléans
Information for authors and participants:
The symposium will take place from May 10 to 12, 2021 at the Hôtel Dupanloup (2 rue Dupanloup, 45000 Orléans). Communication is open to researchers and managers, consultancies, government bodies and other structures wishing to disseminate and promote their research work. Contributions will take the form of oral presentations (15 min) and posters.
Program of the Ponds and Lakes 2021 Symposium:
Scientific promotion and publication
Selected papers will be published in a collective work.
For further information, please visit the dedicated website: Ponds and Lakes Symposium
The Ponds and Lakes Symposium / CEDETE team