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Water in the City: Amenities and Vulnerabilities of Urban Wetlands in the North and South in the face of Climate Change

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This symposium examines and discusses the trajectories of urban wetlands, their assets, vulnerabilities and adaptation solutions in the face of climate change, from a North-South cross-sectional perspective.

Its aim is therefore to examine the situations, management experiences and actions undertaken in cities of the North and South to address this paradox of increasing fragility and enhanced utility. It is based on the premise that solutions will be all the more relevant if they are nurtured by a cross-fertilization between different cultural and socio-economic areas (North America, Europe, Asia, Africa, Latin America). Its aim is to promote exchanges not only between the South and the North, but also between the countries and cities of the South and those of the North.

Water in the city and its relationship with wetlands and the issue of climate change opens up a vast field of questions, which the symposium aims to shed light on through papers, in French or English, by researchers and managers who will be able to contribute in the following areas:

  • Axis 1 - Water spaces and urban wetlands: between vulnerability and resources in the face of climate change.
  • Axis 2 - Water and wetlands in the sustainable city.
  • Axis 3 - A cultural approach to urban wetlands.
  • Axis 4 - Trajectories of urban wetlands.

The conference’s website:

11-13 May 2023
Natural History Museum
Bourges, France

The pre-program and registration form are attached below.