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The FSDIE is the Solidarity and Development Fund for Student Initiatives.

How can I carry out and finance an artistic, cultural or solidarity project?

You are a member of a student association and you want to develop a project, whether about culture (visual arts, music, theatre…), sports, citizenship, solidarity or sciences?

The FSDIE is for you! Do not hesitate to present your project. 

Several commissions take place each university year. It is at this occasion that you will be able to defend your project!

Next FSDIE Commission: 6 April 2023

For the university year 2021-2022, the University’s Solidarity and Development Fund for Student Initiatives (FSDIE) has supported 53 projects carried by students from Orléans, Bourges, Châteauroux, Chartres or Issoudun for a total amount of 135,670€.

FSDIE Contact: Students’ House (Alexis Boche) | 02 38 49 48 11

For more information:

See the website section on associative life