Both permanent and non-permanent members of the laboratory are heavily involved in communication activities aimed at the general public, and in particular at young people, whether in elementary school or university. The aim is to introduce them to our scientific disciplines and research careers in a fun and educational way.
Meetings with schoolchildren
Contact with primary school pupils is essentially based on discovery and learning through experience. Members of the laboratory organize and take part in scientific workshops featuring fun experiments that shed light on physical or chemical phenomena. Children are the real actors in these experiments, which encourages their reflection and curiosity. These workshops, organized in collaboration with the CNRS regional delegation, take place either directly in schools, or during major events such as the Fête de la Science or the Rencontres Jeunes Chercheurs.
Meetings with secondary school, high school and university students
Communication is also aimed at young people who are beginning to decide on their school careers, to give them a taste for science and possibly inspire them to take up a career in science. Schools wishing to organize visits can either contact the laboratory directly, or the University (particularly for the Bourges site), or the CNRS regional delegation, who will forward requests to us. After a description of the laboratory's activities, students discover the experimental rooms, where researchers explain their work, emphasizing “visual” experiments or experiments with applications that appeal to the general public (lighting, lasers, microelectronics for computers or cell phones, biomedical applications of plasmas, clean rooms, etc.).
The laboratory also welcomes 9th grade students for a week or half a day as part of their "company discovery" internship, as well as students from eleventh or preparatory classes as part of their TPE and TIPE projects.
In addition, members of the laboratory regularly visit schools to present their field of research or research careers (technician, administrator, engineer, and researcher).
Visits are also organized for engineering (Polytech'Orléans), Bachelor's and Master's students. Most of these students have already decided on their course of study, and the tour focuses more specifically on the research profession and doctoral studies.
Meetings with the general public - Large-scale events
Members of the GREMI regularly participate in the organization and animation of large-scale regional or national events related to science and training.
- High School and Student Fair
- Careers Forum
- Job Fair
- University Open Day
- Fête de la Science ("Science festival")
- Rencontre Jeunes Chercheurs ("Meetings with young researchers") in the Cher department
- Visites Insolites ("Unusual visits")
Exceptional events
The laboratory is a stakeholder and / or co-organizer of several exceptional events:
- Art & Science show ("Face à la Lumière", oct.2021)
- The CNRS’ Visites Insolites ("La tête dans les étoiles… de laboratoire!", oct.2021)
- The Fête de la Science’s 30-year anniversary
- The CNRS’s 80-year anniversary ("Opération Apollo XI : un lâcher de ballon sonde ", "Star Gate : un défi scientifique", AP du CNRS, 2020)
- Musical conference ("La nuit des Pulsars", fev.2018)
- Screening-debate ("La Glace et le Ciel "by L.Jacquet, Nov.2016)