The start of the university year is full of events and important procedures.
University Calendar
Check your training course’s calendar regularly to stay up-to-date regarding exam periods, juries, holidays, etc.
You can check the various schedules of the University Colleges on the ENT. Only the weeks with a set and validated schedule are viewable.
Schedules are subject to changes, therefore it is essential to check the website regularly.
Student Card
Keep it close by at all times! It is your student proof of ID and a multi-service card: with the Izly payment system, it is used to pay in university restaurants (RU) and in cafeterias, to borrow a book in university libraries (BU), to access some spaces like the Bouillon Cultural Centre…
Outside of the University, the student card certifies your student status and gives you access to student discounts.
University Library Hours
If you want to document yourself, do your research, read for pleasure or retrieve books, you can find all the information on the University Libraries (BU) and the Research and Documentation Centre (CRD) of the Orléans, Blois, Bourges, Chartres, Châteauroux, Issoudun and Tours-Fondettes sites on the University Library Services website.
Registration in the Colleges
If you are on site at the start of the university year, you will be asked to fill out an educational registration form (“formulaire d'inscription pédagogique”) manually or electronically.
If you were not able to attend the beginning of your courses, you must inquire of your course manager to complete this form. It is necessary to register for your future exams.
International Students
If you are a foreign student, it is time to update your residence permit!