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Staff Mobility

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If you are a member of the teaching and administrative staff of the university, you can enrich your professional career and develop your network thanks to the Erasmus+ mobility programme.

The mobility of teaching and administrative staff members is integrated into the University of Orléans’ strategy and aims to strengthen cooperation with European universities, internationalise training courses, encourage the exchange of best practices and add a European dimension to the professional experiences of staff members.


Staff Mobility for Teaching Assignment (STA)

This mobility allows teaching staff members, in an employment contract with the UO, to carry out a teaching period within a European partner institution that signed an Erasmus+ agreement with the UO. The aim is to provide courses that are integrated into the official curriculum of the partner institution.

The duration of the mobility is of minimum 2 on-site days of activity (minimum 8 hours of teaching for 5 days of activity) and a maximum of 2 months. The International Relations Department (DRI) will finance primarily trips of up to five days of activity and a maximum of two days, i.e. a maximum of seven days in total. Conferences are not eligible.

Staff Training Mobility (STT)

This mobility is for all staff members having an employment contract with the UO (teachers, administrative & technical staff, etc.). Given that the number of STT missions is limited, the administrative and technical staff have priority for their attribution. 

This action allows staff members to carry out, over minimum 2 days of activity and maximum 2 months, a training mobility in a Higher Education Institution that is or is not the owner of the ECHE charter or in a company within the framework of professional development activities. 

The International Relations Department (DRI) will finance primarily trips of up to five days of activity and a maximum of two days, i.e. a maximum of seven days in total.

Two types of missions are eligible:

  • “Staff week” - training mission. Most staff weeks are listed on the IMOTION platform
  • “Job shadowing” -  observation mission.

Caution: Conferences are not eligible.

All mobility must be completed and repaid by 30 September of the current university year.