Discover more on this fictional and educational contest of business creation dedicated to students.
Regional Contest Créa Campus (accessible in 1st year)
Create your own fictional or real business!
Develop your network, your skills and win themed prices or the regional Grand Prix (from 1000€ to 5000€).
Do not hesitate to visit the PEPITE website and watch the video dedicated to Créa Campus (in French) for more detailed information.
You Are a Student and You Want to Know More
In a few words, Créa Campus is:
- A regional contest for students who wish to discover the world of entrepreneurship;
- A group work with other students of the University of Orléans;
- A 5-months support pathway (from October to March) with:
- Workshops, webinars, expert meetings (by choosing the whole programme or just a part of it depending on your training wishes);
- A professional alumni sponsor;
- The submission of a file at the end of March.
Cré Campus is also for your professional future:
- An experience to add to your CV;
- A way to develop your idea or to share your skills and contribute to the development of another idea;
- Your business idea can be real or fictional. You have no obligation to create a business during the contest! The goal is to discover the entrepreneurial culture;
- Exchanges, sharing your knowledge and skills with other students of the UO.
Contest Organised by the DOIP (Professional Guidance and Integration Department)
The PEPITE points of contact are available to support you in your project. Do not hesitate to contact them at the following address:
Click here to register!
Programme 2021-2022:
See the attached file below