The University Hub - Centre Val de Loire (PU-CVL) launches its new website
Its 3 founding institutions aim at promoting actions or projects that they build and carry out together, by making them more visible.
Already 49 joint actions or projects have been listed: research laboratories shared by at least two of the three founding institutions, joint projects with the MESR and/or France 2030 label, joint services, Ambition Research and Development (ARD) and regional Thematic Research Networks (RTR) programmes, networks and federative structures, joint training courses… Find all these joint actions and projects in the following section:
The implementation of the University Hub – Centre Val de Loire (PU-CVL) shows the will of the 3 institutions to strengthen their cooperation with an already solid shared foundation.
National research organisms, local authorities, the University Hospital of Tours and the future University Hospital of Orléans, the CROUS, various agencies or associations ( are wholly associated to this local dynamic.
Our vocation is to amplify the actions of the 3 institutions (University of Orléans, University of Tours and INSA CVL) and of their partners, always while respecting the institutions’ independence, in order to contribute to the development of knowledge, training, research and innovation and to the improvement of living and studying conditions on all campuses in the Centre-Val de Loire region.
The creation of the website is only a first step in a process of reinforcement of collaborations between the two universities and the INSA CVL. The next step will be the signing, before the end of 2023, of the local coordination agreement, which will formalise our shared commitments.