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Professor Emeritus in Geography CEDETE Laboratory EA1210 - University of Orléans



2002: HDR (accreditation to supervise research), November 2002 (supervised by J.R. Pitte) “Rural Armenia. Post-collectivist transition in a South Caucasus country”. Université Paris-IV Sorbonne

1995: Doctorate in geography Nouveau régime - 1995 (supervised by O. Balabanian) “Water, a resource for the development of a rural area. The example of the Gartempe basin (Poitou-Limousin)”. University of Limoges


Competitive exams

1990: Agrégation in Geography 

1988: CAPES in Geography



2010 : PROFESSOR in Geography. University of ORLEANS

2004 : PROFESSOR in Geography. University of Limoges

2003 : QUALIFICATION : CNU Section 23

1996: Associate Professor (MCF) - Department of Geography - University of Limoges


 Administrative responsibilities (2008 - 2014)

2013: Deputy Manager of the CEDETE laboratory

2011 - 2015: Director of the GEOGRAM Master's Degree. University of Orléans

2008: Elected member of the CNFG

2004 - 2006: President of the Commission de titularisation des professeurs certifiés (IUFM, Académie de Limoges)

2003 - 2008: Director of the “Rural Consultant” professional degree program. University of Limoges-ENITA Clermont-Ferrand


Expertise (national or international organizations)

International expertise

2009-2015- Expert for the French Armenian Fund.  Multidisciplinary program for the rural development of border villages in Armenia (Tavush). NGO Fonds Arménien de France/C.G. des Hauts-de-Seine/ CEMAGREF/ Agrarian University of Yerevan.

2010- Expertise. Feasibility of an aquaculture program and economic management of ponds in Armenia.  Cooperation between CEDETE laboratory, Agrarian University and Ministry of Agriculture of Armenia.


National expertise

2014- DREAL Haute-Normandie- Wave of eco-neighborhood labels: Val de Reuil, Calvados

2011- Expertise on hydroelectric equipment “Environmental impacts of the Boutet hydroelectric power station (Cher)”.

2010-2011- DREAL Limousin: Foresight for a sustainable territorial framework. Foresight for a sustainable territorial framework in Limousin. Study “New arrivals in Limousin. Motivations of migrants”.

2009-2010- DREAL Limousin: Experimental program “Small sustainable towns”.

2008-2013- Scientific and Technical Committee. CPER. University of Poitiers, Poitou-Charentes Region. Eaux-Sols” program: ‘Controlling the environmental impacts of human activities’.

2009. Expert for ANRT: UMR, CIFRE and laboratory applications...

2005-2009- Expertise and counselling for rural communities in Limousin, with CUMA and municipalities, for the creation of wind farms with citizen participation: Rilhac Lastours, Blond

2003-2007. Expert for the University Scientific and Technical Mission (MSTP 6). Ministry of Youth, Education and Research.



2013... Editorial board of the journal Etudes Arméniennes Contemporaines, NUBAR-Paris

2008 ff. President of the jury of the Ptolémée Prize (FIG St Dié-des-Vosges)

2008 ff. President of the Awards Committee of the Geography Society (Paris)

2008 -2013. Member of the Editorial Board of the “Revue arménienne des questions contemporaines” AGBU, Paris.

Since 2008: Member of the Scientific Committee of the Yerevan Agrarian University. Armenia

Thèmes de recherche

Main research fields

Rurality, sensitive rural regions, mountains, peri-urban areas: territories, development, economies, environment, societies and cultures (vineyards).

Renewable energies, small hydropower, wind power, energy policies, energy resource conservation policies. Geopolitics of energy (hydrocarbons).

Water and water management, economic valuation of water resources, impact of agricultural activities on water pollution, water and the environment.

Post-Soviet transition, contemporary socio-economic mutations, geopolitics.

Water and economic development, renewable energies

water management and development: ponds, waterways (fishing and fish farming, tourism, P.E.A.)
water development and management schemes (regulatory tools)
lakes and their post-Soviet management (particularly in the South Caucasus): impact on water quality
small-scale hydropower for agriculture and energy
renewable energies and the environment (especially water, wind and solar power)
water heritage and valley landscapes
conflicts over water: conflicts and competition (between users, between sectors of use), cross-border management of large watersheds (South Caucasus, Iberian Peninsula)
energy and sustainable development: sustainable housing, energy policies for urban development (eco-housing, eco-districts, etc.)


Development in fragile rural areas

rural development (regulatory tools and rural territories)
rural development in Europe's mid-mountain regions, the effects of agricultural decline
peri-urban areas (urban-rural relations, land tenure, etc.)
quality agricultural production (vineyards and wine) (labels, innovation, promotion of regional products).
gastronomic heritage of the French countryside
rural heritage (agricultural and non-agricultural buildings, know-how, etc.)
rural landscapes (components, landscape perception, environment, protection and enhancement tools)
green tourism and sustainable development
local development: solidarity and public policies, intercommunality
intensive commercial farming (Nord Oeste Argentina) and its impacts (health, environment, soil, etc.) (ongoing)


Populations, societies, cultures

changes in societies and economies in fragile rural areas
low population densities
European migrants and rural areas in France
ethnic minorities: identity and contemporary changes (former USSR)
memory and places of remembrance (Vendée, Armenia) work in progress
the E.U.: space and migration (work in progress)
Urban housing and sustainable development (work in progress)


The post-Soviet transition and its effects 

post-collectivist transition in the CIS and CEECs (agricultural, industrial, tertiary, urban, transport sectors, etc.), environmental impacts and risks of environmental degradation (industrial wasteland), nature parks, etc;

social and territorial re-compositions in the South Caucasus (ethnic minorities, identity-based cultures, emergence of nationalism, etc.);

trade and borders (transport of hydrocarbons from Russia to the Caucasus);

borders and geopolitics: conflicts and ethnic cleansing. The Nagorno-Karabakh conflict;

environmental management of former Soviet industrial sites;

energy and mining resources in the Caucasus: risk management (transport, mining, polluted sites...);

Lake Sevan: environment, water resource management (quantity, quality), impacts of Soviet management (see articles), socio-environmental risks.


Main research areas

Limousin and its suburbs (Poitou, Berry); in the broader sense: Massif Central and western edges.

Armenia and the South Caucasus region; in the broader sense: Caucasus and CIS.

Argentina: mid-mountain rural areas (Córdoba region), intensive commercial farming.

Research supervision

Thesis supervision

Ibrahim Mohamed. Renewable energies and sustainable socio-economic development on the island of Mayotte. Thesis begun in 2003. Defended in September 2008.

Le Roux Sylvain. Energy and sustainable urban development. Analysis of local strategies and foresight for medium-sized European cities. Thesis begun in 2003. Defended March 3, 2008 in Limoges.

El Hage Hassan Hussein Co-Directio L. Touchart. 27/06/2011. GIS contributions to the knowledge of land use evolution in the Bekaa plain, Lebanon. University of Orléans. Defended June 23, 2011 in Orléans.

Audrain Jérôme. Geopolitical aspects of energy transition in hydrocarbon-rich countries: examples of Russia and the United Arab Emirates. Thesis launched in September 2008. Defended January 2013.

Dubois Virginie. Agriculture and agri-food industries in Armenia. Immobilism and innovation Thesis launched in September 2008. Defended February 3, 2015.

Girard Margaux. Sustainable agriculture, a sustainable development model for peasantry in the South. An analysis of agroecological actions carried out in the Andean regions (Peru) Thesis begun October 2012 (co-supervision D. Chartier).

Dhuy Huu. Agriculture and flood risks in the Gianh-Vietnam river delta. Thesis launched in September 2014

Garcia Romain. The acceptability of wind farm siting in the rural territories of the Loire axis. A comparative approach with other European areas. Thesis launched in September 2014

Jury - Theses

President of the jury. 05/01/2012. Nicolas LHERITIER. Basin heads: from mapping at global and French scales to characterizing Limousin streams. University of Limoges

Reporter, 2011/12/16. Marie-Anne LENAIN. Dynamics and support for inventive VSEs in isolated rural areas. Between territories and networks. Cézallier, Combrailles, Millevaches. VetAgro Sup, University of Clermont-Ferrand

Reporter 2010 J. Zarifian Southern Caucasus: a new terrain for US foreign policy. Geopolitical analysis. Université Paris 8

2008 Ibrahim M. Renewable energies and sustainable socio-economic development on the island of Mayotte. University of Limoges

Thesis supervision 2008 Le Roux S. Energy and sustainable urban development. Analysis of local strategies and foresight for medium-sized towns. University of Limoges.

Pre-reporter 2007 J. Borel “Are the Digne and Castellane Pre-Alps landlocked? Lyon 3 University.

President of the jury 2006 B. Savy. “Hydro-limnology of the upper Charente basin: a geographical approach applied to dam lake-emissary relations University of Limoges.

President of the jury 2006. C. De Andres Ruiz. “Wind energy and local development. Comparative study of the socio-economic and territorial effects of wind farms in disadvantaged rural areas of Europe”. University of Limoges. Joint supervision University of Valencia (Spain)/University of Limoges (in Spanish and French).

Pre- reporter 2006 P. Bartout. “For a reference system for inland wetlands in temperate environments: the example of ponds in Limousin (France). Typologies, regionalization” University of Limoges.

Promoting research - Scientific outreach

International influence: International exchanges

Scientific reputation: Personal guest of President Jacques CHIRAC, official delegation, during his state visit to Yerevan (Armenia), as a leading French scientist specializing in Armenian geography (3 invited scientists). 2006.

Guest lecturer at the International Colloquium of Argentine Geographers in Rio Cuarto (2008). Opening lecture: El desarrollo de las poblaciones en los espacios de bajas densidades de media montaña (Francia) (Rural areas of low population density: new energy potential). Conference in Spanish, University of Rio Cuarto. Argentina

Visiting professor at Yerevan State University (2007). Conference on rural development in medium-sized mountains (with simultaneous translation) Initiative and responsibility for scientific organization

Scientific curator of the exhibition “Arménie, terre chrétienne dans le Caucase”, part of the French High Commission for the Year of Armenia - Crypte de ND de Paris, 3 months, 2006.

Scientific organization “Arménie mon amie” in Limoges, Limoges multimedia library - (one week) 2009

Scientific organization of the international symposium “Armenia. Reconstruction and future in a South Caucasus country”. Geography Society. Paris, January 20, 2007. Framework: High Commission for the Year of Armenia.

Co-organization of two Franco-Italian colloquia in Italy. (Pr. Luisa Rossi- Pr. Françoise Ardillier-Carras). May 2013

Scientific co-organization of the international colloquium: “Massacres, war crimes and genocides” (Pr P. Plas) University of Limoges, Faculty of Law, March 2015