The femto-second laser platform was acquired as part of the PIA Tours2015 program (CERTEM and FEDER funding) to study the cutting of micro-batteries and active surfaces for packaging on behalf of ST Microelectronics. Today, this platform is open and available for the cutting, annealing and surface treatment of several materials as part of research carried out at GREMI or in other laboratories on the Orléans campus.
All the equipment has been configured for total automation of the laser tracing process on the part, via software capable of reading a technical drawing. Several wavelengths are available, with all the optics needed to control beam size and fluence.
The platform is open to local laboratories and companies as part of contractual projects. Several examples of how this platform is used:
- Study of the cutting of assemblies based on LiCoO materials for the micro-battery department of ST Microelectronics,
- Study of the cutting of high optical gap substrates for future microelectronics for the packaging department of ST Microelectronics,
- Study of surface modification of fuel cell electrodes (PLFM-T1 approach) by femto-second laser nanostructuring of silicon footprints (PLFM-T2 approach),
- Edge-free laser cutting (PLFM-T2 approach) of microstructured titanium wafers for medical applications (PLFM-T2 approach) or of microdischarge matrix samples (PELS-T1 approach).
Platform equipment
- Pump laser, probe laser Solstice One Box Ultrafast Amplifier (SPECTRAPHYSICS)
- Optical table, motorized servo movements (micro-control)
- Optics, containment system (f-theta lens, plano-convex lens) (Lasoptic)
Scientific manager: Nadjib SEMMAR
Technical manager: Hervé RABAT