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Consult the rules and instructions to be followed during the exams

About the exams 

  • All students must have and present a valid student card,
  • Late arrivals are not tolerated
  • Candidates are not allowed to leave the room during the test.
  • Bags and personal belongings (including switched-off cell phones) must be left in a place away from the tables.

The following situations may be considered as attempted fraud and may be punished:

  • Introducing unauthorized information into the examination room, regardless of the medium used (paper, computer memory, calculator, cell phone, etc.).
  • Communicating during the test with another candidate or any outside person, inside or outside the examination room, whatever the means of communication used (cell phones, messaging, etc.).
  • Taking another person's place
  • Copying from another student


Assessments in DUEF/DUP

The DUEF and DUP are organized in a single examination session. Teaching units may be assessed :

  • continuous assessment only: with regular assessments throughout the semester (CC)
  • mixed mode: continuous assessment (CC) and final exam (end-of-semester exams, CT).

The final grade is the average of the grades obtained at the end of the semester for all the UEs (taking into account the coefficients). To pass the DUEF or DUP, students must obtain at least 12/20. However, a mark of less than 8/20 in oral or written French is eliminatory. Admission to the diploma is decided by the jury. If a student fails a semester, he or she may continue in the same level in the following semester, but re-registration is subject to the approval of the pedagogical committee. 


Attendance in DUEF/DUP

If the number of unjustified absences exceeds 20% in a single UE, the student may be barred from taking the final exams. In the event of absence from an examination, the student must provide proof within 5 working days of the examination.

  •  Missing a continuous assessment exam :
    1. In the event of justified absence (medical certificate, administrative summons), the mark is neutralized, unless the number of assessments is less than the minimum number required. In this case, the teacher may set up a substitute test, subject to the availability of the timetable.
    2. Any unjustified absence will result in a mark of 0/20.
  • Missing a final exam
    1. In the event of justified absence (medical certificate, administrative summons), the teacher may set up a substitute final test, subject to the availability of the timetable.
    2. Any unjustified absence will give rise to the award of the "ABI" mark for the Teaching Unit, and the student will be declared to have failed the "DEF" diploma.


For further information, please consult the "Study Regulations".