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Research is mostly conducted in 5 laboratories whose teacher-researchers work in collaboration with companies in the Centre-Val de Loire region.

Visuel de laboratoire


Main science themes in Chartres:

Electronics and synthesis of nanomaterials

Applications in Healthcare, Telecommunications, Automotive.

Fractal antennas, smart antennas and planar optical components for telecommunications, avionics and space.

Applications in the "Beauty and Well-Being Sciences" cluster in cosmetics (UV A and B filtering).

Signal processing

Applications in vibration analysis, radio astronomy and biomedicine.

International macroeconomics and economic geography

Applications to European countries.

Management sociology

Sociological approach to management activities, study of management systems and associated phenomena of power and domination.

Reputation and renown of organisations

Analysis and construction of meaning adapted to any type of organization.


Research laboratories on the Chartres site

  • PRISME: Multidisciplinary Research Laboratory in Systems Engineering, Mechanics and Energy.
  • CEMHTI: Extreme Conditions and Materials: High Temperature and Irradiation - UPR3079 CNRS
  • ICMN: Interfaces, Containment, Materials and Nanostructures - UMR7374
  • LEO: Orléans Economics Laboratory - UMR CNRS 7322
  • VALLOREM: Val-de-Loire Management Research
  • MICA: Mediation, Information, Communication and Arts - EA 4426.