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On behalf of all the teaching and administrative staff, I welcome you to the College of Humanities, Languages ​​and Human Sciences.

At the university, you will find working and living conditions significantly different from those you have encountered so far: less class hours, semester-based organization, adapted educational system (but class attendance is still compulsory) , acquisition of European credits (ECTS).
It is not always easy to choose your courses from the start of your university career. It is to respond to this difficulty that a system of bi-disciplinary portals was set up at the start of the 2018 academic year. This system will allow you to choose a major discipline during the 1st semester, then a mention in the 2nd year.
In addition, throughout the bachelor's degree, by the choice of courses, you can gradually lean towards the profession that attracts you. After the bachelor's degree in three years, you will be able to engage in a master's degree in two years. You can also opt, in geography, for a professional degree with a view to direct professional integration after 3 years of study. Finally, the doctorate will allow you to prepare for careers in research.
Our university is open to the world. You will rub shoulders with students from other countries in your classes, just as you will be able to study abroad for a semester, a year, or even two, while benefiting from financial aid.
Our College is also a place of life where, through the practice of a sport, a union or associative commitment, the participation in various activities (outings, trips, exhibitions, concerts, theatre, etc.), you can complete your personal development.

Director of the College of Humanities, Languages ​​and Human Sciences