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The OSUC brings together the scientific activity of all of its research teams and units with its partner organisations (BRGM, INRA...)


The laboratories

Institut des Sciences de la Terre d'Orléans(ISTO) - [Earth Sciences Institute] (ISTO) - UMR 7327, University of Orléans – CNRS – BRGM

Head: Lionel Mercury,

Deputy director: Caroline Martel,

Deputy director: Mohamed Azaroual  


Le Laboratoire de Physique et Chimie de l'Environnement et de l'Espace (LPC2E) [Space and Environment Chemistry and Physics Laboratory] (LPC2E)  - UMR 7328, University of Orléans – CNRS – CNES

Head: Dominique Delcourt,

Deputy director: Valéry Catoire

La Station de Radioastronomie de Nançay Nançay's Radio astronomy Station – USR 704, Observatoire de Paris (Paris Observatory)- CNRS – University of Orléans,

Deputy director : Stéphane Corbel,

Deputy director - Philippe Zarka,

Deputy director - Laurent Denis    

Teams and associated laboratories


Exobiologie Team “Exobiologie” (Astrobiology)

Team leader: Frances Westall

Centre de Biophysique Moléculaire [Centre for Molecular Biophysics] - CBM – UPR 4301 – CNRS

Team “Signal
Team leader : Philippe Ravier
Interdisciplinary Research Institute on Systems Engineering and the Energy Mechanics - PRISME - EA 4229 - University of Orléans

Team “Atmospheric reactivity” 
Team leader: Wahid Mellouki
Combustion, Aerothermal study, Reactivity, Environment Institute]- ICARE – UPR 3021 – CNRS.

Team “Partial differential equation, Physics, Modelling” 
Team leader : François JAMES -Institut Denis Poisson – IDP – UMR 7013 – CNRS, Team leader

Leader : Isabelle Cousin

INRA's research unit 272, Orléans